Question: Simplify with Side Relations and then eval

I simplified a vector column using side relations. Then I wanted to evaluate using

eval( equation,  [x1=3,  x2=5......})

But side relations uses the reverse order i.e. after evaluation

[3=x1, 5=x2......]

So then the internals of the list need to be swaped tto work with eval.That is easy. I am just wondering is there a neater way to achieve this?



P1 := Vector(3, {(1) = -(y[1]-y[3])*(y[2]-y[3])*((x[2]^2-x[2]*x[3]+x[3]^2)*x[1]^2-x[2]*x[3]*(x[2]+x[3])*x[1]+x[2]^2*x[3]^2)*(y[1]-y[2]), (2) = -(x[1]-x[3])*(x[2]-x[3])*(x[1]-x[2])*((y[2]^2-y[2]*y[3]+y[3]^2)*y[1]^2-y[2]*y[3]*(y[2]+y[3])*y[1]+y[2]^2*y[3]^2), (3) = ((-y[1]^2*y[2]+(3*y[2]*y[3]-y[3]^2)*y[1]-y[2]^2*y[3])*x[2]+x[3]*(y[1]^2*y[3]+y[2]*(y[2]-3*y[3])*y[1]+y[2]*y[3]^2))*x[1]^2+((y[1]^2*y[3]+y[2]*(y[2]-3*y[3])*y[1]+y[2]*y[3]^2)*x[2]^2+3*x[3]*(y[2]-y[3])*(y[1]-y[3])*(y[1]-y[2])*x[2]-x[3]^2*(y[1]^2*y[2]+(-3*y[2]*y[3]+y[3]^2)*y[1]+y[2]^2*y[3]))*x[1]-x[3]*((y[1]^2*y[2]+(-3*y[2]*y[3]+y[3]^2)*y[1]+y[2]^2*y[3])*x[2]-x[3]*(y[1]^2*y[3]+y[2]*(y[2]-3*y[3])*y[1]+y[2]*y[3]^2))*x[2]})

eqns := {(x[1]-x[2])*(x[2]-x[3])*(x[3]-x[1]) = R, (y[1]-y[2])*(y[2]-y[3])*(y[3]-y[1]) = S, x[1]^2*x[2]^2-x[1]^2*x[2]*x[3]+x[1]^2*x[3]^2-x[1]*x[2]^2*x[3]-x[1]*x[2]*x[3]^2+x[2]^2*x[3]^2 = Y, y[1]^2*y[2]^2-y[1]^2*y[2]*y[3]+y[1]^2*y[3]^2-y[1]*y[2]^2*y[3]-y[1]*y[2]*y[3]^2+y[2]^2*y[3]^2 = X, x[1]^2*x[2]+x[1]^2*x[3]+x[1]*x[2]^2-6*x[1]*x[2]*x[3]+x[1]*x[3]^2+x[2]^2*x[3]+x[2]*x[3]^2 = Z, y[1]^2*y[2]+y[1]^2*y[3]+y[1]*y[2]^2-6*y[1]*y[2]*y[3]+y[1]*y[3]^2+y[2]^2*y[3]+y[2]*y[3]^2 = W}

P1new := simplify(P1, eqns)

Vector[column](%id = 36893490132854572084)


values := {x[1] = 3, x[2] = 5, x[3] = 7, y[1] = 2, y[2] = -11, y[3] = 13}

{x[1] = 3, x[2] = 5, x[3] = 7, y[1] = 2, y[2] = -11, y[3] = 13}


vals1 := eval(eqns, values)

{-3432 = S, 16 = R, 120 = Z, 316 = Y, 2018 = W, 22753 = X}


eval(P1new, vals1)

Vector[column](%id = 36893490132854572084)


vals1swap := [seq(rhs(vals1[i]) = lhs(vals1[i]), i = 1 .. nops(vals1))]

[S = -3432, R = 16, Z = 120, Y = 316, W = 2018, X = 22753]


eval(P1new, vals1swap)

Vector[column](%id = 36893490132849052116)


eval(P1, values)

Vector[column](%id = 36893490132871267020)






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