Question: Simplify; cleaning up array

Dear power users, I probably have 2 dummy questions, which I show in the attached worksheet. 

1. it looks to me that the equation can be further simplified than done by maple

2. is there a quick way in cleaning up the array by replacing the strings by something as NaN (not a number) so that I can use the array for numeric calculations?

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why is the above not simplifying to x+sqrt(2)




How can I replace the strings in the matrix below by something like NaN (not a number) so I can use it for further numeric calculations?


Error, invalid assignment

"dat:=[[124.0,124.0,22.0,2.2],[130.0,160.0,20.0,4.4],[130.0,129.0,26.0,4.3],[119.0,115.0,21.0,">2,6"],[136.0,129.0,30.0,4.9],[118.0,126.0,24.0,2.9],["NA / 101",115.0,20.0,3.0],[130.0,118.0,21.0,2.4],[95.0,94.0,25.0,3.4]]"




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