Question: MapleFlow: imaginary number "j" in electronics as opposed to "i"

in MapleFlow 2022 ...
1i means 1*sqrt(-1) while 2i means 2*sqrt(-1) ... etc ... right?

In electronics "j" is used for  the sqrt(-1) ... since "i" is used for electric current.

That said I just discovered that MapleFlow will also interperit "j" as sqrt(-1) when used in this context...
1j = 1*sqrt(-1)
2j= 2*sqrt(-1)

But how can I have MapleFlow express answers using j as sqrt(-1) instead of using i?

I want 2 * 2j= 4j
not 2*2j = 4i

Also, on another topic...
On this forum... what is the difference between a "Post" and a "Question"... as when I ask a question ...
 consider it "posting" a question.

Thanks for any help or  clairfication.

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