Question: Using an optional keyword option of a procedure that has the same name in a sub-procedure?

Let's say we have a procedure with an optional keyword option and a second procedure is calling this procedure and we want to give the user the option to set the kwarg of the first procedure in the second procedure as well. A simple example (just for the sake of the question, nothing meaningful in this example) is given below. Look at the kwarg "b" in test1. test2 is calling test1 and we want to have the option of setting "b" of test1 in test2 as well. But if I use "b = b" when calling test1, it doesn't work! I thought of using "`b` = b" and even "'b' = b", but they don't work either. One solution is to use a new name, say "c" and calling test1 by "b = c". But that is a bad choice. Because if you call test1 in so many other procedures, then you have to use so many names for one parameter, clearly this is not user friendly too, the user would prefer to remember a parameter by a fixed name. Is there any solution so that I can use the same name here?

test1 := proc( a :: posint, { b :: posint := 1 } ) :: posint:
	return( a + b ):
end proc:
test2 := proc( a :: posint, { b :: posint := 1 } ) :: posint:
	return( a * test1( a, b = b ) ):
end proc:
test3 := proc( a :: posint, { b :: posint := 1 } ) :: posint:
	return( a * test1( a, `b` = b ) ):
end proc:
test4 := proc( a :: posint, { c :: posint := 1 } ) :: posint:
	return( a * test1( a, b = c ) ):
end proc:

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