Question: Variables with different number of arguments in a system of partial differential equations

Hi, I would appreciate some help in solving the following system of partial differential equations. The particularity of the system is that only the individual variables (i.e. a, c, and l) depend on two arguments (t: current time period and v: date of birth). The other variables are either rates or aggregates. The aggregate variables (i.e. K, L, and Y) depend only on time, t, because they are the integrals of the individual variables over v. Thanks for your help.



restart; with(PDEtools)

alpha := .3306341; delta := solve(1+0.4877489e-1 = exp(delta_a)); T := 1

l0 := 42.375*(33.16667/(52*(24-9.95)*7)); L0 := l0*T

x0 := 0

IOR := .2093723865

KOR := IOR/delta

r0 := alpha/KOR-delta; rho := r0; fsolve({K0 = Y0*KOR, w0 = (1-alpha)*Y0/L0, alpha*exp(x0)*K0^(alpha-1)*L0^(1-alpha) = r0+delta}); assign(%)



{K0 = 2.510740299, Y0 = .5710794198, w0 = 1.390997088}


C0 := -K0*delta+Y0; c0 := C0/T





sigma := w0*(1-l0)/c0



eq1 := diff(c(t, v), t) = (r(t)-rho)*c(t, v)

eq2 := sigma*c(t, v) = w(t)*(1-l(t, v))

eq3 := r(t)*a(t, v)+w(t)*l(t, v) = c(t, v)+diff(a(t, v), t)

eq4 := Y(t) = exp(x(t))*K(t)^alpha*L(t)^(1-alpha)

eq5 := r(t)-delta = alpha*Y(t)/K(t)

eq6 := w(t) = (1-alpha)*Y(t)/L(t)

eq7 := K(t) = int(a(t, v), v = t-T .. t)

eq8 := L(t) = int(l(t, v), v = t-T .. t)

eq9 := x(t) = piecewise(t = 0, 0, t > 0, 0.1e-1)

eq := {eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7, eq8, eq9}

SV := {K(0) = K0, L(0) = L0, Y(0) = Y0, a(t, 0) = 0, c(0, 0) = c0, l(0, 0) = l0, r(0) = r0, w(0) = w0}

pdsolve(eq, SV, numeric, 'time' = t, 'range' = 0 .. T)

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/process_PDEs) variable(s) {v} are in the PDE system but are not dependent or independent variables


sol := pdsolve(eq, SV, 'time' = t, 'range' = 0 .. T)




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