Question: Problem in print command

Dear Users!

I hope everyone is fine here. I wrote the following statements with the print command:

restart; NN := [4, 6, 8]; a := 0; b := 2; n := 4;
h := evalf((b-a)/n); print("The domain of intergation is [a,b] = ", [a, b]);
f := exp(x); print("The given function is ", f);
Exact := evalf(int(f, x = a .. b)); print("The exact integration in [a,b] is ", Exact);
print("The value of h to divide the domain [a,b] into n subintervals is ", h);
print("Numerical integration in [a,b] is going to perform when h via RECTANGULAR METHOD for n = ", n);

The output is:

        "The domain of integration is [a,b] = ", [0, 2]
                "The given function is ", exp(x)
       "The exact integration in [a,b] is ", 6.389056099
"The value of h to divide the domain [a,b] into n subintervals is ", 0.5000000000
"Numerical integration in [a,b] is going to perform when h via RECTANGULAR METHOD for n = ", 4

I want the actual values of a,b, n and h highlighted in above as:

        "The domain of integration is [a,b] = ", [0, 2]
                "The given function is ", exp(x)
       "The exact integration in [0,2] is ", 6.389056099
"The value of h to divide the domain [0,2] into 4 subintervals is ", 0.5000000000
"Numerical integration in [0,2] is going to perform when 0.5 via RECTANGULAR METHOD for n = ", 4

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