Question: Find t at which the limit of a function is constant for specified digits

Hi dear Users!

I hope everyone here is fine. I have a function like

f := exp(-t)*(x^2-5*x^3+10*x^5+x+3+.5*x^4)+(1/2)*x^2*(x-1)+2*sin(x);

I have to find the value of t at which the behavior of this function is constant for 6 decimal places against x from 0..1. This is my effort

N := 20; TOL := 10^(-6); Points := 100000;
f := exp(-t)*(x^2-5*x^3+10*x^5+x+3+.5*x^4)+(1/2)*x^2*(x-1)+2*sin(x);
for j from 0 while j <= 10 do print("\nWhen x = ", j/(10.));
for i from 0 while i <= Points do
g[i, j] := evalf(eval(f, [x = (1/10)*j, t = N*i/Points]));
if `and`(i >= 1, abs(g[i, j]-g[i-1, j]) < TOL) then print("Value of t = ", evalf(N*i/Points)); print("Value of f = ", g[i, j]); break else  
end if end do end do;

The same value is then verified by making graphs

plot([eval(f, t = 1), eval(f, t = 2), eval(f, t = 3), eval(f, t = 4), eval(f, t = 5), eval(f, t = 6), eval(f, t = 7)], x = 0 .. 1, color = [red, green, blue, cyan, yellow, black, purple]);
plot(eval(f, x = .8), t = 0.1e-1 .. N);


Here I want to know if is there any more effective maple command to find the value of t rather than using procedures (highlighted by red) or a graphical way.

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