Question: Is it possible to evaluate Python code in Maple?

I was wondering whether it is possible to execute Python code into Maple. As an example, I give a fairly simple code:

Concentration_calculation(C_0, Q, V_r, m_b, rho, R, Gamma_i, delta_t=1):
t = np.arange(0, 360*60, delta_t)
C_i = [C_0]
for i in range(len(t)-1):
dC = -(Q/V_r)*(1-math.exp(-3*m_b*math.sqrt(Gamma_i/(rho*t[i+1]))/(math.sqrt(math.pi)*Q*R)))*C_i[i]
C_i.append(C_i[i] + dC*delta_t)
return t, C_i

Any help in tis respect would be highly appreciated.

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