Question: 'n' and 'm' are real

As I assumed 'n' and 'm' are real, eta is complex. But still, there is a bar on these discrete independent variables. Secondly, the substitution of (8) applies in some terms of 'r2', and the remaining terms remain as is it.


with(LinearAlgebra); with(PDEtools); with(plots); with(LREtools)

setup(mathematicalnotation = true)

setup(mathematicalnotation = true)


assume(n::real); assume(m::real)

A := proc (n, m) options operator, arrow; Matrix([[eta*phi(n, m), conjugate(eta)*conjugate(psi(n, m))], [phi(n, m), conjugate(psi(n, m))]]) end proc; Adet := Determinant(A(n, m))

eta*phi(n, m)*conjugate(psi(n, m))-conjugate(eta)*conjugate(psi(n, m))*phi(n, m)


B := proc (n, m) options operator, arrow; Matrix([[phi(n, m), conjugate(psi(n, m))], [-psi(n, m), conjugate(phi(n, m))]]) end proc; Bdet := Determinant(B(n, m))

phi(n, m)*conjugate(phi(n, m))+conjugate(psi(n, m))*psi(n, m)


r := Adet/Bdet

(eta*phi(n, m)*conjugate(psi(n, m))-conjugate(eta)*conjugate(psi(n, m))*phi(n, m))/(phi(n, m)*conjugate(phi(n, m))+conjugate(psi(n, m))*psi(n, m))


p := {eta = 1+I, phi(n, m) = (1+I*a*eta)^n*(1+I*b*eta^2)^m, psi(n, m) = (1-I*a*eta)^n*(1-I*b*eta^2)^m, conjugate(eta) = 1-I, conjugate(phi(n, m)) = (1-I*a*conjugate(eta))^n*(1-I*b*conjugate(eta)^2)^m, conjugate(phi(n, m)) = (1+I*a*conjugate(eta))^n*(1+I*b*conjugate(eta)^2)^m}

{eta = 1+I, phi(n, m) = (1+I*a*eta)^n*(1+I*b*eta^2)^m, psi(n, m) = (1-I*a*eta)^n*(1-I*b*eta^2)^m, conjugate(eta) = 1-I, conjugate(phi(n, m)) = (1-I*a*conjugate(eta))^n*(1-I*b*conjugate(eta)^2)^m, conjugate(phi(n, m)) = (1+I*a*conjugate(eta))^n*(1+I*b*conjugate(eta)^2)^m}


r1 := simplify(subs(p, r))



r2 := 1-I*delta(r1, n)



exp_expr := subs({(1+I*b*eta^2)^m = exp(I*eta^2*t)}, r2)







plot3d(abs(exp_expr), n = -5 .. 5, t = -5 .. 5, eta = 1+I)

Error, (in plot3d) unexpected option: eta = 1+I



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