Question: search for smaller Pythagorean triplets

trouverTripletsDecroissants := proc(tripletInitial) local m, n, a, b, c, triplets, dernierTriplet; triplets := []; dernierTriplet := tripletInitial; m := dernierTriplet[3]; do m := m - 1; for n to m - 1 do if igcd(m, n) = 1 and (m - n) mod 2 = 1 then a := m^2 - n^2; b := 2*m*n; c := m^2 + n^2; if a^2 + b^2 = c^2 and a < dernierTriplet[1] and b < dernierTriplet[2] and c < dernierTriplet[3] then dernierTriplet := [a, b, c]; triplets := [op(triplets), dernierTriplet]; break; end if; end if; end do; break; if 0 < nops(triplets); end do; return triplets; end proc;
tripletInitial := [275, 252, 373];
tripletsDecroissants := trouverTripletsDecroissants(tripletInitial);
               tripletInitial := [275, 252, 373]

           tripletsDecroissants := [[273, 136, 305]]

                       [[273, 136, 305]]

trouverTripletsDecroissants(275, 252, 373);
Error, (in trouverTripletsDecroissants) final value in for loop must be numeric or character
How to correct this error. Thank you.

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