Question: Problems with plotting pde system solutions.(spacestep and timestep)

I have been working on solving a system of PDEs and plotting the results. However I've been encountered issues with setting the spacestep and timestep parameters.

First of all, i attempted to plot graphs t=0..2 using the animate command,

with spacestep = 5*10-4 x 1/151,          timestep=1/1000

However, as shown in the image, an error ocurred indicating that calculations could not proceed after 1.57 sec.

Secondly, i kept the same spacestep but changed the timestep to 1/100 for plotting graphs 
t=0..2. This time, the graphs were plotted without any issues.

I initially beleved that larger spacesteps or timesteps would produce more accurate data. However, in my case, simply increasing these parameters did not work.

I would greatly appreciate if you could provide guidance on what factors should be considered when setting timestep and spacestep parameters, or any experiences in resolving similar issues.

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