Question: How find phase shift parameter in solution of PDE after substitution ?

It been a while i try to figure out How they find dispersion parameter and phase shift i figure out how find dispersion in some of pde but some of them is not give me even dispresion parameter i don't know they wrong or i am , but for finding phase shift there is three cenarios, when we change pde to bilinear form we have linear term in bilinear form so after substitute in linear term f bilinear form we can get dispersion parameter which is a parameter beside (t) also we can generalized for all of solution by changing the number of parameter as mention in the paper, but for phase shift parameter i don't know how find it i must substitute our solution in linear term or whole  bilinear form of in first pde linear term i try all  but i don't know what is i did mistake the paper say put in pde but i think he mention the the bilinear form i did all part for one soliton is w[1] for 2soliton is w[2] file i just want find parameter a[12] in paper for 2-soliton eq(19)  then i will find for other just i need to find one of them, thanks for any help  in this topic .


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