Question: International Characters in MapleNet

I want to display international characters in maplets. For this to work with the MapletViewer I have found that they maplet needs to be saved using the Western (Windows-1252) encoding. (Even this appears to not be entirely perfect, but that is not the issue here.) I have had absolutely no success with MapleNet. The international characters appear differently when the same maplet is launched with MapletViewer and with MapleNet. The two maplets can be viewed from our MapletNet server by visiting the URLs: Neither of these display an umlaut. The utf8 maplet displays exactly as it did with the Maplet Viewer. The 1252 maplet displays with different garbage. To download the same maplet files for viewing with a local copy of Maplet Viewer, use the URLs: Launch each with Maplet Viewer; the 1252 maplet looks fine; the utf8 maplet is garbage. Do I need to use a different encoding for the MapleNet served maplet? (If so, this will be a real inconvenience!) Do I need to change a setting on my MapleNet server? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Doug
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