Question: How doi I insert a legend in a PieChart from the command lines?


I need to insert a legend in a Pie chart, but I want to do it from the command line:

> with(Statistics);
> T := [algodón = 26, lana = 5, tabaco = 7, fruta = 9, arroz = 13, té = 5, carne = 14, otros = 21];
> P := PieChart(T, sector = 0 .. 360, color = ["red", "Orange", "yellow", "green", "ForestGreen", "blue", "MediumPurple", "LightBlue"], captions = relative);
> plots[display](P, title = ["Distribución de las exportaciones de Chile en el año 2009", font = [TIMES, BOLD, 18]], font = [TIMES, BOLD, 12]);



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