Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer
Hi, Does anyone know a way to modify the number of rows and columns in a spreadsheet in Maple? For example, if I wanted a 500 by 2 spreadsheet, how would I go about getting it? Right now, the spreadsheet maxes out at 100 rows. Thanks in advance for your help. -Evan
In previous versions of Maple there was an abort/interrupt capability-one could hold down the command key and a period at the same time and eventually Maple would stop the calculation. (Mac worksheet interface). Now there is an interrupt icon which is frequently ignored by Maple. I am currently in an ∞ loop and cannot get out! Help!
hi let's look for the intersection of 2 functions the first one f1 := unapply(CurveFitting[Spline]([[1.55, 1], [1.6, 0], [1.65, 0], [1.7, 0], [1.75, 0], [1.80, 0], [1.85, 0], [1.9, 0], [1.95, 0]], x, degree = 1), x); the second one r := unapply(CurveFitting[Spline]([[1.55, 0], [1.6, 1], [1.65, 1], [1.7, 1], [1.75, 0], [1.80, 0], [1.85, 0], [1.9, 0], [1.95, 0]], x, degree = 1), x); when we plot the 2 functions : plot({f1(x), r(x)}, x = 1 .. 1.95, y = 0 .. 1, thickness = 3); we see that there is 2 intersections that are 1.575000000, RealRange(1.750000000, infinity) but maple gives 1.575000000, 1.550000000, RealRange(1.750000000, infinity)
I have conmpleted a maplet application. It takes 45 seconds to initiate the application. I understand to speed up my application is to convert it into a module. Can someone show me how to convert my applicatioh into module. Consider the application: with(Maplets[Elements]):Hello:=Maplet(["Hello World!", Button("OK", Shutdown())]): Maplets[Display](Hello): thanks in advance. Pat
Hi guys, i wrote this fairly simply routine, to basically generate n equations, generate relations between those equations, then attempt to solve them by comparing coeffients, upon which i group together the information about the coefficients, for example i could have the equation ax+by=4x, so from that x=4,b=0 The equations in question are Dx=[x,Dy]+[Dx,y], when D is a map which maps x and y to A, where x and y span A's basis. so Dx and Dy would be a linear combination of x and y. This would be for the 2 dimensional case, for the n dimensional case x and y would extend to n variables.
I am looking for some lecture notes covering 'the' 'elementary' properties of the Laplace transform, preferable (but not already written) using Maple for the proofs. What I would like to see is L(f, s) = Int(f(t)*exp(-t*s),t = 0 .. infinity) where s may be _complex_ and is not assumed to be real.
Hi, I noticed that in the lastest version of TexMacs that maple is supported. I downloaded it. It appears to run OK, but I can't get the maple mode to load. It shows up in the session selection. I would appreciate any help or pointers. My system: Win XP fully updated and patch, Maple 10 or Maple 7 or Maple V.5. Thanks Ralph Wallace K9RWW@ARRL.NET
Show that the substitution x -> (1-x)/2
Verify that laplacian(psi(r,theta,phi)) + [k^2 + f(r) + (1/r^2)*g(theta) + (1/(*r^2*(sin(theta))^2))*h(phi)]*psi(r,theta,phi) = 0
Hi! I'm searching for a useful guide of the MapletBuilder (for Maple 11). I know how to create Boxes 'n' Stuff. Now I want to assign commands to the buttons,which should be executed by pushing them but I don't know how to do that. By that I mean where to put them and what kind of commands exist or do I have to use. I need a guide with some examples. It would be great if anyone could help me. Thanks paience
There are lots of posts on MaplePrimes with Wei Xi Fan telling us that "this issue has been tracked". I'm always happy to hear that, but I think a subtle alternative would be better: I would write in red at the bottom of the original report "Note: this issue has been reported to Maplesoft's internal bug tracking database." Make it sound kind of ominous, as if the offending bug will surely be crushed. Also, I think a message in red on the original post is better than a reply which appears somewhere down the page. Of course for this to work, it would have to be easy (one click?) for company
Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to use Document Components or Maplet Elements from Java? Is there a file that has the library for these components? I use the Netbeans environment, has anyone set up that environment to use Maple libraries? Thanks, Art
I have get a functionsystem:

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Is there a way to evaluate the format of the responses and prevent the grading? In particular I want to provide feedback to students who used a comma instead of a dot in a numerical response. At this moment Maple TA cannot deal with a correct response except for the incorrect format (0,93 instead of 0.93) and evaluates the response as incorrect. There must be a way to prevent students to grade as long as there are comma´s at places where there should be dots. Harry Garst
I am solving a constrained maximization problem using the Lagrangian and getting back an empty set of solutions, i.e.: solns_LSW:= How do I go about diagnosing why Maple is having difficulty finding solutions? (Once I know that, I would of course also like to know how, if possible, to change the set-up so that Maple might actually find the solution(s)!) I can see that the Lagrangian becomes non-concave for cases where lambda2>p (p is one of the variables I am solving for: there are two, s and p -- see attached worksheet). This would clearly be the case for, say, p=0 optimal (which I have reason to believe it is, based on some numerical simulations I ran).
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