
117 Reputation

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20 years, 56 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by S.Arlou

Hi, In short, You must to do all instructions from Maple-VB description. 1.Connecting maple.bas file in the your concrete basic project by manipulation in basic system. 2.Case the Project prop. and set the compile mode -in p-code- 3.Make the .exe file. Write about your results.
Hi, In short, You must to do all instructions from Maple-VB description. 1.Connecting maple.bas file in the your concrete basic project by manipulation in basic system. 2.Case the Project prop. and set the compile mode -in p-code- 3.Make the .exe file. Write about your results.
Mechanics of Materials is a Maple package that solves broad range of beam bending problems by numerical and analytic type of solutions. Further development of solution is possible by own individual way. Good luck! Author of Mechanics of Materials(TM) for Maple(TM)
Thank you Paul, I think that most fast way is 1. Float data using 2. LinearAlgebra[LinearSolve] comand My test shows that system equation solving process (A*X=B X?) 2020*2020 take a 6 sec ONLY. (NAG & Maple Community as I understand) BEST THANKS. However the LinearAlgebra[GenerateMatrix] comand in this process eats about 51 sec. (by koef function for polynomials build I think) What way to improve this time?
Yes that is right. Thanks.
Yes. There are sparse, numerous of zero elements is big enough. Comments to problem: Maple 10.03 with(Matlab); and LinearAlgebra Solve comand Time of calculations is about equal.
Hello Tom 4 and hello to All! I am working with very large matrixes. And Super Maple Engine is best for formulating problem - matrix (size is 2000*2000 and more)generation. But I would like to improve calculation speed. I have some questions about numeric calculations: Lets begin from first 1. Ordinary Matlab Connection is not best way. The time of calculations is equal. I mean LinearAlgebra Solve comand and inv(a)*b Matlab comand (Matlab Comand Line Connection, I think). Do new Toolbox solve this problem or it is question using new Core Duo Maple Compilating (10.04)? Thanks
Do you know any numerics methods and software for easy (and accurate) solving this problem? There are not such software or I dont know. It is a problem for Maple only. ha ha! I am not a maplesoft worker, I like applied mechanics only and ...Maple, of course. To be continued... sergorlov2004@mail.ru
I am sorry. Look above please
I hope about MapleConnect. Thanks for good words. Yes, I have a presentation of this package 2Mb(.mws or .mw). I remember you and your report. I was a contribute session participant of Maple2005 Conference. And you were Keynote Speaker on it. Is it right? But I was not understood with my applied mechanics on Maple. The new generation software in applied mechanics is my report.
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