Carl Love

Carl Love

27475 Reputation

25 Badges

12 years, 36 days
Wayland, Massachusetts, United States
My name was formerly Carl Devore.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Carl Love

Assuming that cornerPoints is an array or matrix with dim = 3 rows and 4 columns, you could also do this, which requires no indexing or dimension references:

    [op,`<,>`]~(convert(cornerPoints^%T, listlist)), 
    align= {above, right}, font= [Courier, bold, 20]

The absolute value of your final computation is independent of the order of the 4 vectors, so it doesn't matter which one you subtract from the others.

V:= (p,q,r,s)-> abs(LinearAlgebra:-`&x`(p-s, q-s) . (r-s));

proc (p, q, r, s) options operator, arrow; abs(LinearAlgebra:-`&x`(p-s, q-s).(r-s)) end proc

Pts:= ['LinearAlgebra:-RandomVector(3)' $ 4];

[Vector(3, {(1) = -59, (2) = 12, (3) = -62}), Vector(3, {(1) = 72, (2) = 42, (3) = 18}), Vector(3, {(1) = 52, (2) = -13, (3) = 82}), Vector(3, {(1) = 70, (2) = -32, (3) = -1})]

for pts in combinat:-permute(Pts) do V(pts[]) od;



























Your final formula can be simply proved by mathematical induction, without any need for a closed-form algebraic expression for the Fibonacci sequence.


interface(prompt= ""):

The prroposition to prove:

eval(G(2*n) = G(2*n+1) + G(2*n+2), G= arctan@`/`@F);

arctan(1/F(2*n)) = arctan(1/F(2*n+1))+arctan(1/F(2*n+2))

for positive integers n where F = combinat:-fibonacci.


We start by having Maple confirm a fairly well-known identity for a sum of arctangents:

combine(arctan(1/a) + arctan(1/b)) assuming a > 1, b >= 1;


So we just need to verify this Fibonacci identity:

1/F(2*n) = subs({a= F(2*n+1), b= F(2*n+2)}, op(%));

1/F(2*n) = (F(2*n+2)+F(2*n+1))/(F(2*n+1)*F(2*n+2)-1)

It'll be easier to work with in polynomial form. This will be the verification goal of mathematical induction:

Goal:= numer((lhs-rhs)(%)) = 0;

-F(2*n)*F(2*n+2)-F(2*n)*F(2*n+1)+F(2*n+1)*F(2*n+2)-1 = 0

To form the induction hypothesis, change n to n-1:

IH:= eval(Goal, n= n-1);

-F(2*n-2)*F(2*n)-F(2*n-2)*F(2*n-1)+F(2*n-1)*F(2*n)-1 = 0

Verify the induction base case:

is(eval(Goal, {n=1, F= combinat:-fibonacci}));


And verify the Goal by simplifying with respect to the induction hypothesis and the defining recursive formula for the Fibonacci sequence:

is(simplify(Goal, {IH, seq(F(2*n+k)+F(2*n+k-1) = F(2*n+k+1), k= -1..1)}));




@C_R Your understanding of (...)(...) is totally correct. The reason that the extra parentheses (as shown by @nm) are necessary is the precedence of Maple's binary infix operators: -> has lower precedence than = (just like has lower precedence than *). See ?operators,precedence.

You can avoid the need for the extra parentheses by replacing x->x with x@@0, which is the identity function. `@@` has higher precedence than =. You could also use 1@@0_@@0, etc.

The multiplication symbol can be easily suppressed:

make_nice:= e-> subs(
    "&lowast;"= "&InvisibleTimes;",   
    InertForm:-Display(evalindets(e, And(`*`, fraction &under curry(op,1)), `%*`@op))

Also, by changing @nm's typespec from `&*`(fraction, anything) to And(`*`, fraction &under curry(op,1)), my procedure can handle products of any number of factors, such as 3/8*ln(x/y)*exp(z).

You just need to add the arrows option to your DEplot3d command. For example, by adding arrows= cheap I get this:

In your display command, remove the options gridlines= true and axes= none, and add the options

axis[1]= [gridlines=17, tickmarks=0], axis[2]= [gridlines= 8, tickmarks=0], view= [0..16, 0..7]

You should get this:

In your Case 2, solve chose (somewhat arbitrarily) two different branches of LambertW, but any branch would work. If you change all instances of solve( solve(..., allsolutions), I think you'll understand what's happening. If not, I'll explain further.

First, pick a value of Kr to use. I chose 0.1. Then do

Kr:= 0.1:
F:= [f, Theta, Phi](eta):
Frame:= Inf-> plots:-odeplot(
    dsolve({OdeSys, eval([Cond], 10= Inf)[]}, numeric),
    `[]`~(eta, F), legend= F
plots:-animate(Frame, [Inf], Inf= 0.1..10, frames= 50, size= 500*[2,1]); 


All you need is 

(A,B):= convert~(Solution, list, nested)[]: print('A'=A, 'B'= B);

6Here's a procedure for it:

#Bins takes a histogram and its data sample and returns a list of "bin-bounds" = count.
Bins:= (
    H::And(specfunc(PLOT), patfunc(specfunc(POLYGONS), anything)),
local `&<`:= curry, `&>`:= rcurry;
    (Statistics:-TallyInto &< S &> _rest @ (op&<[1,1]..op&<[2,1])~)(
        [indets(op(1,H), And(listlist(numeric), 4 &under nops))[]]

Applying it to the histogram in your worksheet:


[-2.71396014591046 .. -2.66663223217829 = 2, -2.66663223217829 .. -2.61930431844611 = 0, -2.61930431844611 .. -2.57197640471394 = 0, 
-2.57197640471394 .. -2.52464849098177 = 2, -2.52464849098177 .. 2.4773205772496 = 0, -2.4773205772496 .. -2.42999266351743 = 1, -2.42999266351743 .. -2.38266474978526 = 1, -2.38266474978526 .. 
-2.33533683605308 = 2, -2.33533683605308 .. -2.28800892232091 = 1, 
-2.28800892232091 .. -2.24068100858874 = 3, -2.24068100858874 .. 
-2.19335309485657 = 1, -2.19335309485657 .. -2.1460251811244 = 0, 
-2.1460251811244 .. -2.09869726739223 = 4, -2.09869726739223 .. 
-2.05136935366005 = 0, -2.05136935366005 .. -2.00404143992788 = 1, 
-2.00404143992788 .. -1.95671352619571 = 3, -1.95671352619571 .. 
-1.90938561246354 = 5, -1.90938561246354 .. -1.86205769873137 = 2, 
-1.86205769873137 .. -1.8147297849992 = 4, -1.8147297849992 .. 
-1.76740187126702 = 4, -1.76740187126702 .. -1.72007395753485 = 2, 
-1.72007395753485 .. -1.67274604380268 = 3, -1.67274604380268 .. 
-1.62541813007051 = 4, -1.62541813007051 .. -1.57809021633834 = 2, 
-1.57809021633834 .. -1.53076230260617 = 3, -1.53076230260617 .. 
-1.48343438887399 = 5, -1.48343438887399 .. -1.43610647514182 = 7, 
-1.43610647514182 .. -1.38877856140965 = 7, -1.38877856140965 .. 
-1.34145064767748 = 7, -1.34145064767748 .. -1.29412273394531 = 6, 
-1.29412273394531 .. -1.24679482021313 = 4, -1.24679482021313 .. 
-1.19946690648096 = 12, -1.19946690648096 .. -1.15213899274879 = 6, 
-1.15213899274879 .. -1.10481107901662 = 9, -1.10481107901662 .. 
-1.05748316528445 = 6, -1.05748316528445 .. -1.01015525155228 = 13, 
-1.01015525155228 .. -.962827337820104 = 18, -.962827337820104 .. 
-.915499424087933 = 8, -.915499424087933 .. -.868171510355761 = 19, 
-.868171510355761 .. -.820843596623589 = 15, -.820843596623589 .. 
-.773515682891417 = 9, -.773515682891417 .. -.726187769159246 = 15, 
-.726187769159246 .. -.678859855427074 = 17, -.678859855427074 .. 
-.631531941694902 = 11, -.631531941694902 .. -.584204027962731 = 19, 
-.584204027962731 .. -.536876114230559 = 11, -.536876114230559 .. 
-.489548200498387 = 21, -.489548200498387 .. -.442220286766215 = 13, 
-.442220286766215 .. -.394892373034044 = 20, -.394892373034044 .. 
-.347564459301872 = 15, -.347564459301872 .. -.3002365455697 = 24, 
-.3002365455697 .. -.252908631837528 = 12, -.252908631837528 .. 
-.205580718105357 = 21, -.205580718105357 .. -.158252804373185 = 16, 
-.158252804373185 .. -.110924890641013 = 22, -.110924890641013 .. 
-.0635969769088414 = 23, -.0635969769088414 .. -.0162690631766695 = 25, 
-.0162690631766695 .. .0310588505555018 = 14, .0310588505555018 .. 
.0783867642876737 = 18, .0783867642876737 .. .125714678019845 = 22, 
.125714678019845 .. .173042591752017 = 18, .173042591752017 .. .220370505484189
= 19, .220370505484189 .. .267698419216361 = 22, .267698419216361 .. 
.315026332948532 = 14, .315026332948532 .. .362354246680704 = 22, 
.362354246680704 .. .409682160412876 = 10, .409682160412876 .. .457010074145048
= 20, .457010074145048 .. .504337987877219 = 10, .504337987877219 .. 
.551665901609391 = 7, .551665901609391 .. .598993815341563 = 17, 
.598993815341563 .. .646321729073735 = 21, .646321729073735 .. .693649642805906
= 11, .693649642805906 .. .740977556538078 = 15, .740977556538078 .. 
.78830547027025 = 15, .78830547027025 .. .835633384002421 = 12, 
.835633384002421 .. .882961297734593 = 13, .882961297734593 .. .930289211466765
= 13, .930289211466765 .. .977617125198937 = 14, .977617125198937 .. 
1.02494503893111 = 10, 1.02494503893111 .. 1.07227295266328 = 11, 
1.07227295266328 .. 1.11960086639545 = 13, 1.11960086639545 .. 1.16692878012762
= 7, 1.16692878012762 .. 1.2142566938598 = 8, 1.2142566938598 .. 
1.26158460759197 = 7, 1.26158460759197 .. 1.30891252132414 = 13, 
1.30891252132414 .. 1.35624043505631 = 11, 1.35624043505631 .. 1.40356834878848
= 11, 1.40356834878848 .. 1.45089626252065 = 9, 1.45089626252065 .. 
1.49822417625283 = 6, 1.49822417625283 .. 1.545552089985 = 9, 1.545552089985 ..
1.59288000371717 = 6, 1.59288000371717 .. 1.64020791744934 = 9, 
1.64020791744934 .. 1.68753583118151 = 8, 1.68753583118151 .. 1.73486374491368
= 4, 1.73486374491368 .. 1.78219165864586 = 4, 1.78219165864586 .. 
1.82951957237803 = 3, 1.82951957237803 .. 1.8768474861102 = 3, 1.8768474861102
.. 1.92417539984237 = 3, 1.92417539984237 .. 1.97150331357454 = 6, 
1.97150331357454 .. 2.01883122730671 = 6, 2.01883122730671 .. 2.06615914103889
= 4, 2.06615914103889 .. 2.11348705477106 = 1, 2.11348705477106 .. 
2.16081496850323 = 1, 2.16081496850323 .. 2.2081428822354 = 3, 2.2081428822354
.. 2.25547079596757 = 2, 2.25547079596757 .. 2.30279870969975 = 0, 
2.30279870969975 .. 2.35012662343192 = 2, 2.35012662343192 .. 2.39745453716409
= 2, 2.39745453716409 .. 2.44478245089626 = 0, 2.44478245089626 .. 
2.49211036462843 = 0, 2.49211036462843 .. 2.5394382783606 = 1, 2.5394382783606
.. 2.58676619209278 = 1, 2.58676619209278 .. 2.63409410582495 = 1, 
2.63409410582495 .. 2.68142201955712 = 0, 2.68142201955712 .. 2.72874993328929
= 0, 2.72874993328929 .. 2.77607784702146 = 0, 2.77607784702146 .. 
2.82340576075363 = 0, 2.82340576075363 .. 2.87073367448581 = 1, 
2.87073367448581 .. 2.91806158821798 = 0, 2.91806158821798 .. 2.96538950195015
= 1]

You asked:

  • I am unable to add a constraint with if statement.

The if syntax that you were using isn't allowed in 2D Input. Anyway the same thing can be better expressed with max because it'll remain symbolic until the solver supplies values for the variables, whereas an if evaluates immediately.

eq1:= Q2 = max(0, d*h*(x - delta*(alpha+beta)));

  • I have to minimize the function TRC, i am unable to do. 

You need a comma after the I2 = 0..8.

  • Check whether i have represented I1 and I2 with respect to alpha and beta right or wrong.

I think that I'd need substantial background information on the problem to answer that.

Anyway, making the two minor syntax changes that I've given, the solver will at least return an answer, which is a step in the right direction, even though the ensuing discussion indicates that there are still some logic errors to work out.

You've been making the same mistakes over and over, for years now. In your 2D Input, you need to remove any spaces after displaytextplot, and draw. Also, the arguments to display need to be in parentheses, not square brackets, just like all other procedural commands. These are exactly the same problems as the last Question of yours that I Answered.

Even a crystal ball cannot solve a nonsensical problem. You cannot simultaneously solve n equations for more than n variables (n=1 in this case). That is a fundamental principle of mathematics. It is beyond being an undecidable problem (such as the Continuum Hypothesis or the propositions whose existence is guaranteed by Godel's Theorem). It makes no sense at all.

Following the directions given on the Wikipedia page "Weibull distribution", section "Parameter estimation", subsection "Ordinary least square using Weibull plot", I only made a single small change to your computation: I changed (i - 0.5)/n to (i - 0.3)/(n + 0.4). Anything else that may appear to be a change is merely a mathematically equivalent simplification. (In particular, there's no need to use both sort and Rank; using either one is sufficient.) Then I used Statistics:-LinearFit to do the regression.


St:= Statistics:

S:= -<-255.172, -235.249, -196.935, -132.567, -77.3946, -32.1839, -0.766284>;

Vector(7, {(1) = 255.172, (2) = 235.249, (3) = 196.935, (4) = 132.567, (5) = 77.3946, (6) = 32.1839, (7) = .766284})

n:= St:-Count(S);


lnpof:= map(i-> ln(-ln(1-(i-0.3)/(n+0.4))), St:-Rank(S)^+);

Vector(7, {(1) = .8578795099, (2) = .3858416541, (3) = 0.8194559696e-2, (4) = -.3665129205, (5) = -.7898398342, (6) = -1.343181903, (7) = -2.308880127})

lnsigma:= ln~(S);

Vector(7, {(1) = 5.541937827582851, (2) = 5.46064452765943, (3) = 5.282873725054183, (4) = 4.887088178000508, (5) = 4.34891701071996, (6) = 3.4714663275086806, (7) = -.26620242077484896})

plot((data:= <lnsigma | lnpof>), style= point);

PV:= St:-LinearFit([1, ln_x], data, ln_x, output= parametervector, summarize);

Model: -2.4778919+.47999708*ln_x
              Estimate  Std. Error  t-value  P(>|t|)
Parameter 1   -2.4779    0.4212     -5.8834   0.0020
Parameter 2    0.4800    0.0931      5.1576   0.0036
R-squared: 0.8418, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8101

Vector(2, {(1) = -2.4778918861403914, (2) = .47999707789937385})

k:= PV[2]; lambda:= exp(-PV[1]/k);



On the Maple help page ?Weibull, k is called c, and lambda is called b.

X:= St:-RandomVariable(Weibull(lambda,k)):

plot(St:-PDF(X,t), t= 0..9);



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