Carl Love

Carl Love

27646 Reputation

25 Badges

12 years, 120 days
Wayland, Massachusetts, United States
My name was formerly Carl Devore.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Carl Love

@Markiyan Hirnyk

I would consider any algebraic response meaningful in this context. By saying "meaningful," I simply wanted to exclude responses such as warnings, error messages, communication via environment variable (like SolutionsMayBeLost), etc. You're right, I should've used a different word. Just change "meaningful" to "algebraic".

@Markiyan Hirnyk

I would consider any algebraic response meaningful in this context. By saying "meaningful," I simply wanted to exclude responses such as warnings, error messages, communication via environment variable (like SolutionsMayBeLost), etc. You're right, I should've used a different word. Just change "meaningful" to "algebraic".

Is there any example of solve giving a meaningful non-NULL answer when the number of independent equations is greater than the number of variables for which solutions are requested?

Is there any example of solve giving a meaningful non-NULL answer when the number of independent equations is greater than the number of variables for which solutions are requested?

@lisa1301 I just editted the piecewise command, so look again. See also my comment above about the bug in the MaplePrimes editor.

If you really want tapered natural-looking ends, any function f(t) can be used for the radius multplier (candy, in my example) that satisfies f(0) = 0, f(1) = 0, 0 < f(t) <= 1 for 0 < t < 1. A good example is 4*x*(1-x).

@lisa1301 I just editted the piecewise command, so look again. See also my comment above about the bug in the MaplePrimes editor.

If you really want tapered natural-looking ends, any function f(t) can be used for the radius multplier (candy, in my example) that satisfies f(0) = 0, f(1) = 0, 0 < f(t) <= 1 for 0 < t < 1. A good example is 4*x*(1-x).

There's the darnedest bug in the MaplePrimes editor in my web browser. This has happened to me before. If I edit a post that has a less-than sign, it removes the rest of that line, including the sign, as if it were expecting some HTML-type code enclosed in angle brackets. I have to manually put back in the rest of the line. Have you heard of this? I'll edit it now.

There's the darnedest bug in the MaplePrimes editor in my web browser. This has happened to me before. If I edit a post that has a less-than sign, it removes the rest of that line, including the sign, as if it were expecting some HTML-type code enclosed in angle brackets. I have to manually put back in the rest of the line. Have you heard of this? I'll edit it now.

Bravo, Joe. It is a pleasure to read code written so clearly. One question: What is reset? Obviously it is a command to reset the iterator to the beginner, but I can't find documentation on it.

This comment is not meant to answer your question, but perhaps some trouble is coming from this. I notice that n is a free variable in your genfun1. Was that what you intended? Also, genfun1 contains no mu, so how could it equal genfun2?

@PatrickT Thank you for the kind words.

@PatrickT Thank you for the kind words.

@GrecoRoman Yes, you can make it nops(data) instead of 25. Try it.

@GrecoRoman Yes, you can make it nops(data) instead of 25. Try it.

Preben's example of frontend uses the default value of the third parameter, [{`+`,`*`}, {}], so one could just use the user-friendlier-looking frontend(collect, [ex,s]).

I often forget about this powerful command simply because the name is so vague. IgnoreIndets would be a better name, as it seems closely related to subsindets and evalindets.

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