
540 Reputation

12 Badges

17 years, 281 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by DJJerome1976


I've figured out several ways to accomplish this, using a series of commands, but is it possible using only dsolve to solve a first-order ivp involving two constants: the constant of integration and a constant of proportionality. For example, the type that arise using Newton's basic law of heating/cooling:

y'(t) = k*(y(t)-10), y(0)=70, y(1/2)=50

I welcome all ideas, especially if there is something easy I'm missing, thanks! 

I am trying to plot the cdf of a binomial random variable, which has jump discontinuities at each of the integers with positive probability mass. Typically, when plotting a piecewise function, one would prefer not to have Maple connect all the points of discontinuity with a vertical line, and discont=true achieves that. Why doesn't the following command yield the expected results:





How does one implement the multinomial probabiility distribution in Maple? If it's not available in Maple, what would be an easy way to define one?




I am relatively new to Maple and I am seeking an efficient way to create a probability histogram for a discrete probability distribution. For example,

x:      1     3   5    7

p(x): 1/8 1/4 1/2 1/8


I would like rectangles with height corresponding to the probabilities with bases centered at each x value, allowing for the possibility of gaps in the distribtuion.



I have what I hope is an easy problem to answer. How would one go about having Maple solve a "vectorized" initial-value problem. For example,

 y'(t) =[t^2,exp(t)], y(0)=[-1,1]. Find y(t).


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