
433 Reputation

5 Badges

15 years, 293 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Jabz

I used k:=k/2: to work out the largest odd factor (or  d:= n-1 / 2^s). I can't seem to work out wot might go wrong??

Thank you for your kind help.

Thank you for your kind help.

But 12 is NOT a prime tho?

But 12 is NOT a prime tho?

What does 'e' represent in the procedure?

" Merge:= proc(a,b,c,d, In, e, Out)
# merge In[a..b] and In[c..d] into Out[e..(e+(b-a)+(d-c)+1)] "

What does this code mean ' Out[e..(e+(b-a)+(d-c)+1)] ' is the actual values of the list (ln[a..b]) being used or just the position of (ln[a..b]) ??
Is there another way ' Out[e..(e+(b-a)+(d-c)+1)] ' be coded??


What does 'e' represent in the procedure?

" Merge:= proc(a,b,c,d, In, e, Out)
# merge In[a..b] and In[c..d] into Out[e..(e+(b-a)+(d-c)+1)] "

What does this code mean ' Out[e..(e+(b-a)+(d-c)+1)] ' is the actual values of the list (ln[a..b]) being used or just the position of (ln[a..b]) ??
Is there another way ' Out[e..(e+(b-a)+(d-c)+1)] ' be coded??


Hi i have the following  list i want merge to a newlist [ lowest..... greatest ].

L:= [ [ 2,6,3] , [3,2,6] , [1,4,2] ]:

How do i merge the above into a newlist such that ' newlist : = [ 1 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 ,3 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 6 ] '

I know i could do

map( op , [ L [ 1 ] , L [ 2 ] , L [ 3 ] ] );

Then use cocktaill sort above.

Is there another away i could do this?

Hi i have the following  list i want merge to a newlist [ lowest..... greatest ].

L:= [ [ 2,6,3] , [3,2,6] , [1,4,2] ]:

How do i merge the above into a newlist such that ' newlist : = [ 1 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 ,3 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 6 ] '

I know i could do

map( op , [ L [ 1 ] , L [ 2 ] , L [ 3 ] ] );

Then use cocktaill sort above.

Is there another away i could do this?

"Now in your loop, you'll first want to check if you're finished with one of the In ranges (in which case you just copy whatever is left of the other In range into the
Out range and exit).  Then compare In[i] to In[j], put the smaller one into Out, and update (i or j) and k."

I'm sorry but can you give me  more explanation please on this part. I'm still an amature on maple

"Now in your loop, you'll first want to check if you're finished with one of the In ranges (in which case you just copy whatever is left of the other In range into the
Out range and exit).  Then compare In[i] to In[j], put the smaller one into Out, and update (i or j) and k."

I'm sorry but can you give me  more explanation please on this part. I'm still an amature on maple

Thank u 4 the explanation. help was grately appreciated.

Thank u 4 the explanation. help was grately appreciated.

Yes u r right i used nested loops because i was trying to push the large numbers to the right from the left and small numbers from right to left at the same time. Thank u for the explanation and correcting and upgrading my code.

Yes u r right i used nested loops because i was trying to push the large numbers to the right from the left and small numbers from right to left at the same time. Thank u for the explanation and correcting and upgrading my code.

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