
125 Reputation

6 Badges

8 years, 65 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Jalale

@tomleslie Thanks !

@Kitonum  Thanks !

@tomleslie  very intersting approach !


Thank you for your answer. But I notice that several values ​​of probabilities exceed 1?

@tomleslie Thanks !

@acer thanks !

@bmartin  Thanks !

@Kitonum  THANKS ! 

@Kitonum  Thank you for your reaction.
My question is different: I want

1) first simulate 150 dice throws and calculate A1
2) repeat 1000 times this experiment with each time , calculate A2, A3,.. A1000
3) Create a list [A1,A2,... A1000]


@tomleslie  Thanks !



I was inspired by your previous solution, but I still hang with respect to running the Anova2m procedure (page 249 of this Manual)



@tomleslie I’m sorry. It’s just a technical problem with my Mac. I couldn’t answer by 'reply'. The problem is not with my PC..A little bit strange.

Thank you for your help.

@Daniel Skoog Thanks ! I understood the principle

@Daniel Skoog Some ideas? thanks

@Daniel Skoog Thank you for your answer. Concretely, if I want to display the summary of my fit procedure, via the component Button. How can it be done?  AJUSTEMENTIMAGE.mwAJUSTEMENTIMAGE.mw,

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