
45 Reputation

3 Badges

2 years, 242 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Jno


I am transitioning from Mathcad to Maple, and I am currently working on some code to do a Gage R&R study using ANOVA. The attached math is from the 4th edition of the MSA manual. I got it to work in Mathcad, although I had to adjust things since Mathcad does not support 3D matrices.

My input matrix is a 2D matrix in which each cell contains a vector of measurements. In Maple, I seem to be able to make a 3D array with my data (if it is easier).

I have searched for a couple days for the right syntax. I am able to get the "right" number for SSA using my 2D Mathcad matrix--at least it is really close--but the other varibles are woefully off.

I would appreciate it if someone could at least point me in the right direction. Thanks.



I am just starting with Maple after using Mathcad for nearly 30 years. I want to recreate something I have used a lot in Mathcad: select certain rows in array based on a specified criterion. For example, I want to save just the rows that have a certain value in a certain column and save the new array for use later. I am slowly learning how to do it Maple--for instance, I learned that I need to change the variable printlevel if I want to get the output from nested loops. 

I currently have the following code:

k := 1;

rows := RowDimension(M);

for i to rows do

   if M[i, 3] = "A" then

      row(out, k) := row(M, i);

       k := k + 1;

   end if;

end do;


This doesn't seem to work, though. When I try to display out, I just get the name out instead a matrix of values.

I would appreciate it if someone could give me some idea of what I am doing wrong (with Maple, that is).



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