
90 Reputation

7 Badges

13 years, 275 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by LijiH

I see what you are doing, it's very brilliant!

May I ask you what package you have with'd to be able to writ

unitquat := identical~(unitquats):

in a new worksheet, I get the following error. could it be that I am still using maple 12?

I see what you are doing, it's very brilliant!

May I ask you what package you have with'd to be able to writ

unitquat := identical~(unitquats):

in a new worksheet, I get the following error. could it be that I am still using maple 12?

thank you!

thank you!

thanks you!

thanks you!

thank you.

thank you.

here it is, thanks in advance!

here it is, thanks in advance!


thank you as always!


thank you as always!

good point. thanks for pointing this out.

good point. thanks for pointing this out.

first of all, thank you for your help.

yes what I am doing is trying to write my own quaternion package.

the one written by Michael Carter from Purdue University uses the following:

proc () [`*` = Quaternions:-`*`] end proc

#so * points to Quaternions:-`*`, so let's see what Quaternions:-`*` is.


proc (qx::quaternion, qy::quaternion)
    options overload;
    if type(qx, complex) and type(qy, complex) then
        return qx*qy
    end if;
    return `Quaternions:-Qmult`(qx, qy)
    return qx*qy
    end try
end proc

#so we need to know what Quaternions:-Qmult is:

proc (qx::quaternion, qy::quaternion)
    local q, q1, q2;
    q1 := Qeval(qx);
    q2 := Qeval(qy);
    if is(q1, real) or is(q2, real) then
        return Qeval(q1*q2)
    end if;
    try q := Qeval(linalg[multiply](q1, q2)) catch:
        return q1*q2
    end try;
    if not is(q, quaternion) then
        return q
    end if
end proc

#so all of this depend on Qeval:

    local q:=q1;
        if type(evalm(q),'matrix'(square)) then
            return sort(collect(expand(linalg[trace](linalg[submatrix](q,1..1,1..1))+linalg[trace](linalg[submatrix](q,1..1,2..2))*'i'+linalg[trace](linalg[submatrix](q,3..3,2..2))*'j'+linalg[trace](linalg[submatrix](q,3..3,1..1))*'k'),{i,j,k}),[k,j,i],ascending)
            return sort(expand(q),[k,j,i],ascending)
        end if
        return eval(q1)
    end try
end proc


Now, on the other hand, my approach is somewhat completely different.

I want to define the quaternion multiplication rules first, so

define(M, 'flat', 'multilinear', 'identity' = 1,
M(I,I)=-1, M(J,J)=-1, M(K,K)=-1, M(I,J)=K, M(J,I)=-K, M(J,K)=I, M(K,J)=-I, M(I,K)=-J, M(K,I)=J);

and then somehow extend '*' so that it does what M does when it sees I/J/K.

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