Mac Dude

1571 Reputation

17 Badges

13 years, 21 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Mac Dude

I certainly wish Maplesoft to be around for a lot longer; Maple having become a rather indispensable tool for me in my work.

But some water needs to be poured into the wine:

Maplesoft has emphasized and taken pride in its STEM-education related work for a long time. How come, then, that my Raspberry Pi has "that other System" installed rather than Maple?? Given the not so small power of the Pi 3; if I were a student nowadays I'd get a Pi 3 and that would be that. And why would I switch to Maple later? (Full disclosure: I did just that; but the initial prompt was a free [to my dept] site license and a rather inane licensing policy of "that other company", added with at the time only a small amount of work invested with the other system).

How come one of my erstwhile students was told he could not move his student license of Maple to his new computer, making him switch to "that other system" which he gets for free (from his university)? Customer and Maple user lost; probably forever. Probably not the only case.

Market forces are real, and I sometimes wonder, given Maple's relative obscurity in at least my field (physics and particle accelerators), how long it can survive unless it makes it attractive (irresistible) to keep using it.

Still, thriving for 30 years is not a small feat in these days, so my congratulations and thanks go out to the Maple team. Please stay around.

Mac Dude


All of your exponentials are imaginary, so they are vectors rotating in the complex plane.

I'd try plotting the absolute of the expression to see if in fact it has a 0. If you see one you may be able to home in with fsolve.

You can always throw the abs of your expression at solve, but I doubt it will succeed; and I particularly doubt the result will be meaningful.

BTW: complex 0 is 0+0*I. That is why you need the absolute value.


You need to tell us your platform (op. system, version).


@Preben Alsholm Thanks for checking.

I wonder whether this may be a Mac issue. I am running on OS X 10.11 El Capitan.


You have at least one typo: b1*BeselJ should be b1*BesselJ.



By far the best reference I found is the one you use (the Programming Guide). It really has the info you need when working with Modules, procs etc., as you appear to (and I am doing extensively as well). Together with the Intro and Reference you are about as covered as you can get, IMO. I am not aware of any material besides Maplesofts that covers the programming aspect. Which actually is a shame as Maple is a very powerful programming language that does have a bit of a learning curve.

Then, as you have learned, stay away from 2-d input unless you have a project where typesetting is essential. I have written a lecture script in Maple, and that was done in 2-d for obvious reasons. But even then, I wrote those sections that posed difficulties (in Maple) in 1-d first, debugged them and then transcribed into 2-d. Time consuming, but at least it did not drive me insane.

acer has given you the underlying explanation of the behaviour you saw. This specific limit of 2-d was new to me; so I learned something here as well.


@Janeasefor Open the worksheet with your proc. Use menuitem "File > Export > Maple input" and save the file where you can find it. Maple will add the extension .mpl and it will be a text file.

The do the read as Yeti told you to. Make sure it is looked for in the right directory (or folder). You can use


to see in which folder Maple will look for the file, or you give a full pathname for the file.


Mac Dude

Menu item "Format:Character..." appears to have the options for formatting. In Maple 2015, strikeout is not one of them.


This appears to be a namespace issue. If you eval(:-Proc1)---to use the OP's example---then what is evaluated is Proc1 as defined at the interactive level, not the one defined in the module. Consequently any changes in the module do not carry into the eval.

What you want to write in the module is

export MyProc;


end MyProc;

and then, at the interactive level, call (after the with(myModule);)


to execute MyProc.



may then work.

Alternatively you can call


but even then you'll need the restart to update MyModule.

But I use restart nevertheless. Too much junk is left behind that tends to confuse me & make debugging extra-difficult when I don't.


I think the first few lines of the error log say all: Java ran out of memory space. The allocation for the JVM for a process is a bit static in the sense ther is an initial allocation and a max. allocation.

On Mac OS X you can increase the memory allocation to the Java process by editing the Info.plist file in the application bundle. On Windows I don't know. The parameters in question, which needs to be appended to the command that starts the Java GUI, are -Xms (the initial allocation) and -Xmx (the max. allocation of memory space). The syntax is like -Xms4m (m for Megabytes). In earlier versions of Maple (maybe around Maple 15) I remember having to do this to get some of my more complicated sheets to run.

The plist has changed since the & I have not had to do this for recent versions of Maple so you'd have to experiment. Maybe a Google search will help. On Windows the parameters will likely be called the same but the place where to findthem will be different.


@acer Thanks very much; this works.

Mac Dude


@Bakry Hmm... I am afraid i cannot help. I have no clue what the VLA package is, who wrote it or anything about it.

You should contact the source of the reference to VLA.


Now, since you mentioned videos; is there any chance that the name was misread and it is really a different package? You will need to see this in context. What is VLA supposed to do?


Did you check out the Physics package by Edgardo Cheb Terrab?

Some of us do not use Twitter. Can these tweets be made available to MaplePrimes or in another context not requiring more than the Maple account we all already have? I can see the value of a quick-response forum so I think this is an idea worthwhile to pursue; but as a MaplePrimes user I do not quite see why I should be left out. And I don't think you would want to hang MaplePrimes out to dry; there are too many complex questions not amenable to be dealt with on Twitter (even with 288 character tweets).

Mac Dude.


For this to work there needs to be a package called VLA. It is not in the standard Maple distribution; with (VLA) does not work for me (Maple2017) either.

If you have a package called VLA it would have a file VLA.mla. This file has to be put into a directory (folder) where Maple can find it. For Maple to find it, the directory has to be included in the sequence making up libname. To find out what is in libname just enter libname at the Maple prompt, and Maple will give you the sequence of strings with the directories it will search for packages.

If you have a Maple worksheet (.mw file) with a package let us know so we can tell you how to convert it to a .mla file.

I hope this helps,


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