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These are answers submitted by Mariner

Normally, I don't give help with homework, but these questions seem a bit out of line with the kind of math that I would expect a nurse to need. So, try these answers: d d a d (3/7)sqrt5 Good luck with your chosen career. J. Tarr
Jacques, your memory serves you well: elliptic integrals first appeared in Maple V R4. The most noticeable differences between then and now are the help pages. Then, they were clear and referred unambiguously to A&S Chapter 17. However, they did not illustrate the trigonometric forms. To my mind, the help page in Maple 11.01 for EllipticF seems unnecessarily cluttered with the relationships between the EllipticF integral and the InverseJacobiAM, etc, functions. I would suggest they should be removed to a linked page for details, or to the existing example worksheet. Again, the help pages do not illustrate the trigonometric forms It should be fairly easy to amend the help pages and compare the elliptic integrals with A&S directly. Something on these lines might be acceptable: Maple uses k^2 as the parameter, while A&S Chapter 17 uses m so k^2 = m = sin(alpha)^2 and with the amplitude, phi, limited to 0
Simone, There's lots of help available in the help pages. In this particular example, you could have selected Tools>Tasks>Browse>Calculus>Integration>Indefinite Integral of a Function and that would have shown you how to perform an indefinite integration using the 2D input in the document mode. Rather quicker, would have been to enter ?integration at the command prompt. That would have brought up the help page for definite and indefinite integration. That gives the syntax to use and a good selection of examples. Getting to know Maple's help pages is one of the best ways to learn Maple. Good luck, J. Tarr
You could try something like this: restart; eq2 := y = (x- 1)^2/x; Diff(lhs(eq2),x) = diff(rhs(eq2),x); simplify(%); Hope this helps, J. Tarr
You probably meant Pi not pi in your formula - there's a difference, see help page for Pi. Then try something like this: restart; eq := A = Pi*r^2; Diff(lhs(eq),r) = diff(rhs(eq),r); Hope this helps, J. Tarr
There is a Finite Elements Package by Athur Portela at the Maple Application Center Hope this is what you need, J. Tarr
I don't think it's possible to do what you ask. However, this might be an acceptable work-around: restart; with(Statistics): PieChart([Wales = 40, Unknown = 56, GB = 341, E = 237, RUS = 31, D = 93, F = 91, IRL = 39, S = 35, Other = 244], color = orange .. green); As you will see, I changed the order of some of your entries and substituted the international vehicle country identification letters for the country names. Hope this helps. J. Tarr
You could do something like this, restart; Eq16 := 2*EllipticE(beta, k)-EllipticF(beta, k) = tan(beta)*sqrt(1-k^2*sin(beta)^2); eq := lhs(Eq16) - rhs(Eq16); plot3d(eq,beta=0..1,k=0..1); Hope this helps, J. Tarr
What is the format of your input file? Is it possible to manipulate your data with, say Excel, into rows of corresponding X and Y data arranged in columns? If, so Maple can import such data and a command or two can transform it into the format needed by plots,pointplot. However, the plot produced by 5000 points will look a bit crowded, so it may be necessary to plot every, say, 100th point. Again, Maple can do this easily. J. Tarr
Covariance is one of those terms that doesn't seem to follow the same conventions as variance and standard deviation. The definition given in Collins Dictionary of Mathematics is: "A measure of the association between two random variables, X and Y, equal to the expected value of the product of their deviations from the mean. It may be estimated by the sum of products of deviations from the sample mean of the associated values of the two variables, divided by the number of sample points." This is expressed as : Cov(x,y) = (1/N)*Sum( (x - mean_of_x)*(y - mean_of_y) ) where N is the number of sample points. I hope this adds a little clarity to a confusing subject. J. Tarr
Rasha, Try this m:-Results(parametervalues); m:-Results(); Try changing the plot arguments and observe the results. You will learn more about Maple if you experiment a bit. J. Tarr
Rasha, First of all, you need to remove the blank line at the end of your text file of data. Then you could do something like this: restart; fs := ImportMatrix("path\\5178_50n.txt"): with(Statistics): with(plots): m :=Fit(a*t+b,fs[1....14,1],fs[1...14,2],t,output=solutionmodule); p := plot(m:-Results(leastsquaresfunction),t=0..50): pts := convert(fs,listlist): q := pointplot(pts): display([p,q]); You will need to insert the appropriate path eg C:\\mystuff in the above. Please see ?StatisticsFit and follow the link about half way down the page to Statistics/Regression/Solution. That will tell you about the solutionmodule. If you want to see all the outputs of the solution module, just enter m:-Results(); Hope this helps, J. Tarr
Many thanks Robert. I should have noticed that axesfont had no effect on strings, whether on the horizontal, or vertical axis. Presumably this is one result of the improvements made to plots in Maple 11.01, but it is strange that there are no commands for adjusting the font and size. It is minor nuisance, as it was convenient with Maple 10.06 to use readdata to import an array from a text file, in which one column contained dates expressed as strings. It was then a simple matter to produce the list shown as "dates" in the example above. Now, it's necessary to use convert(x,'`local`') to convert those date strings into names, before doing anything else. Let's hope the Maplesoft will clean up this bug. Sorry to have taken so long to reply, but I was away for the day. J. Tarr
Welcome to Maple! This looks like an assignment, so here are some tips on how to help yourself to solve this problem. Look at the Maple help page rank,Definition. Then look at the help page Student[LinearAlgebra][RowSpace]. Hope this helps. J. Tarr
Try preceding the underscore (_) with a backslash (\). Alternatively, use worksheet mode. Hope this helps, J. Tarr
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