
499 Reputation

6 Badges

16 years, 261 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Nusc

Nevermind, but if I want to label the funciton in the graph, how do I do this?

restart; f := proc (epsilon, A) options operator, arrow; A*epsilon-A^3-A^5 end proc graph := display([implicitplot(f(epsilon, A), A = -5 .. 5, epsilon = -1 .. 3*A^2+5*A^4, colour = blue, axes = box, gridrefine = 3, crossingrefine = 3), implicitplot(f(epsilon, A), A = -5 .. 5, epsilon = 3*A^2+5*A^4 .. 10, colour = red, axes = box, gridrefine = 3, linestyle = DASH, crossingrefine = 3), fieldplot([f(epsilon, A), 0], A = -5 .. 5, epsilon = -1 .. 10, grid = [5, 5], arrows = SLIM, fieldstrength = log)]) fixedpts := [[0, 0]]; fixedptsPLOT := plot(fixedpts, style = POINT, color = BLACK, symbol = BOX) display(plottools[rotate](graph, 3*Pi*(1/2), [0, 0]), plottools[rotate](graph2, 3*Pi*(1/2), [0, 0]), plottools[rotate](graph3, 3*Pi*(1/2), [0, 0]), fixedptsPLOT, labels = [epsilon, A]) When I try to sketch the unstable portion, how do I stop it from going from far range? I think my issue is this: epsilon = -1 .. 3*A^2+5*A^4 where the 3*A^2+5*A^4 is the derivative of f = 0 in terms of epsilon.
restart; f := proc (epsilon, A) options operator, arrow; A*epsilon-A^3-A^5 end proc graph := display([implicitplot(f(epsilon, A), A = -5 .. 5, epsilon = -1 .. 3*A^2+5*A^4, colour = blue, axes = box, gridrefine = 3, crossingrefine = 3), implicitplot(f(epsilon, A), A = -5 .. 5, epsilon = 3*A^2+5*A^4 .. 10, colour = red, axes = box, gridrefine = 3, linestyle = DASH, crossingrefine = 3), fieldplot([f(epsilon, A), 0], A = -5 .. 5, epsilon = -1 .. 10, grid = [5, 5], arrows = SLIM, fieldstrength = log)]) fixedpts := [[0, 0]]; fixedptsPLOT := plot(fixedpts, style = POINT, color = BLACK, symbol = BOX) display(plottools[rotate](graph, 3*Pi*(1/2), [0, 0]), plottools[rotate](graph2, 3*Pi*(1/2), [0, 0]), plottools[rotate](graph3, 3*Pi*(1/2), [0, 0]), fixedptsPLOT, labels = [epsilon, A]) When I try to sketch the unstable portion, how do I stop it from going from far range? I think my issue is this: epsilon = -1 .. 3*A^2+5*A^4 where the 3*A^2+5*A^4 is the derivative of f = 0 in terms of epsilon.

Is it possible to plot the vector fields on this graph?

Is it possible to plot the vector fields on this graph?

Is there any way to plot the fixed points x = n*pi onto the same graph?

Is there any way to plot the fixed points x = n*pi onto the same graph?

Instead of reflecting the x and r, how do I rotate the graph 90' ?

Instead of reflecting the x and r, how do I rotate the graph 90' ?

how do I plot the equilibrium points on the same graph?

how do I plot the equilibrium points on the same graph?

Was the 2 arbitrary?

Was the 2 arbitrary?

What about the plot itself not just the axis labels?

What about the plot itself not just the axis labels?

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