
784 Reputation

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19 years, 186 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Scott03

If you open the worksheets and set them as autoexecute, then when you open the worksheet you will be warned that the code is going to be executed.  Once the autoexecute is complete, the code will be executed so that the dials will be able to work.

To set the code as autoexecute, high light the sections in your worksheet that include the code edit region and the code outside of it and click Format > Autoexecute> Set.



MapleSim does give you the ability to extract to a data file all of the t and plot points that are produced when you simulate your model.  In MapleSim 3 you can get this by simulating your model, go to the "Project" tab, open the "Stored Results" palette.  The very top selection within this palette should be your most recent simulation.  Click on the text that would read "Rename this result to save it" and on the right parameter pane you should find something that looks like a sheet of paper with an arrow pointing out.  That is the export button to export the points from all the 2-D plots.

Application Developer

You should be able to use the MathML[Import] command to import the MathML string that you get and have the Maple expression returned.  From this you can then perform whatever operation you are looking for.

Application Developer

It appears that the initial problem with your code is the call to


To fix this error you need to take out the enabled=false section.



For your last line change the * sign for the . operator which should perform the dot product that you are looking for.  The line will then be the following



Application Developer

Are you just wanting the text file to have something other than cg as the variable that the command is going to use?  If so, add the resultname option to the call to CodeGeneration[Matlab].

Application Developer

What do you mean the "Maplenet component"?  Are you trying to install MapleNet that you have purchased or are you trying to connect to one that is already installed?  If you have purchased MapleNet and you are having difficulty installing it, I would contact Maplesoft Technical Support or your local reseller.


Have you reported this either to Maplesoft Technical Support ( or filled in the "Submit Maple Software Change Request" link to the right?

The sort of information that they will need are the following:

  • What OS are you on?
  • What version of Maple are you using?
  • What did you do to create this bug?


Another option to solving this function is to use either the Student[Calculus1][MeanValueTheorem]() function or the Student[Calculus1][MeanValueTheoremTutor]() tutor.  Finally there is also a tutor that covers this if you go to Tools> Tasks> Browse> Calculus> Mean Value Theorem.

Application Developer

The last time I checked, the Classic interface of Maple will not recognize the mouse wheel if you have your mouse connected using the USB connection.  The PS/2 connection should allow it to be picked up.  Otherwise, I would suggest using the Maple 13 standard interface which will allow you to scroll with the mouse wheel.


How do you want this graph to look like?  The plots:-pointplot command will take the list of points (which is your n(t) vs t) and output the points on the plot.  If you want to connect a line between the points, you can use the connect=true option.

Application Developer

This can be done by going to View> Show/Hide Contents and unselect the option "Execution Group Boundaries".  This is a setting for the current worksheet and is not a global setting for all future worksheet.  Also, this setting is saved with the worksheet so if you open the worksheet on another computer, it will also have this group boundary bracket hidden.


Application Developer

If you want to do with your for loop you could do something like the following

> result:=[]:
> for i from 0 to 25 do assign('result',[op(result),[i,evalf(eval(eq2,t=i))]]) end do:

Now to plot these results you can just call

> plots:-pointplot(result);

You may also find that the for loop isn't the most effecient for all your tasks, for example you could use the seq command to do the same thing in this way

> result:= [seq([i,evalf(eval(eq2,t=i))], i=0..25)];
> plots:-pointplot(result);

Since you have such a small number of points you are evaluating at, you may not notice too much of an improvement, but as you get to a larger number of points you may want to try this.

Application Developer

Have you read the help page for hfarray yet?  The specific section that may answer your question is the following

For backwards compatibility, the hfarray function continues to work as before, but actually creates an Array (a subtype of rtable) with dense rectangular storage, a datatype of float[8], and C ordering.

So as you can see from this help page, the hfarray creates an Array structure behind the scenes.  This might be the reason why you are able to copy from one structure to the other because they are the same structure to Maple.




The following should solve your problem

> eq:=diff(y(x),x,x)+y(x)^2*x^2=x^2:
> a:=[-0.6,-0.4,2.4,3.4]:
> MyColours:=[red,black,blue,green]:
> MyPlots:=[seq(DEtools[DEplot](eq,y(x),x=0..2,[[y(0)=0,D(y)(0)=a[i]]], linecolor=MyColours[i]),i =1..4)]:
> plots:-display(MyPlots);

The DEplot routine will deal with calling dsolve with your equation and initial conditions along with producing your plot that you are looking for.

Application Developer

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