
100 Reputation

5 Badges

3 years, 364 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Sradharam

How to find the power series solution of a nonlinear 4th order ordinary differential equation.


where U' denotes the differential w.r.t  z and a,k,c are constants. Please help to find. 

sys := -diff(g(x), x)*e^(c*x)*c/(3*t) + f(x) = 0, t*(c*e^(2*c*x)*diff(g(x), x) + t*e^(c*x)*(2*c^2 + 3*f(x) - 1))*diff(f(x), x) + 6*c^2*(diff(f(x), x, x)*t*e^(2*c*x) + diff(f(x), x, x, x)*e^(3*c*x)/3) = 0. I have attached worksheet. Please solve this system,of ODE.

How to solve Linear first-order PDE by the Lagrange method?

dx/(x) =dy/0=dt/0=du/3=dv/v=dw/w, where x,y,t are independent variables and u,v,w are dependent variables.


How to solve the system of partial differential equations in Maple.  I have attached a pdf file, please check it. Kindly help me.

Thank you

[Edit: I've also atached the OP's worksheet below.--Carl Love]

How to solve the Linear first-order partial differential equation by the Lagrange method. Suppose u and v are dependent variables and x,y,z are independent variables of a partial differential equation of the form:

dx/f(x,y,z)=dy/g(x,y,z)=dz/h(x,y,z)=du/k(x,y,z)=dv/s(x,y,z). I need its solution in the form of u and v . How to find it ?

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