Wang Gaoteng

173 Reputation

12 Badges

14 years, 143 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Wang Gaoteng

Dear Sir, thank you very much! The figure is very nice!

By the way, it is puzzling me that why does some disconstinuous points appeared in the figure:

with(plots):polarplot((4.8*cos(t)-sqrt(4.8^2*cos(t)^2-16*1.24))*(1/8), t = 0 .. 2*Pi, color = gold, filled = [color = red, transparency = .5]) 

The polar equation is deduced from (x-0.6)^2+y^2=0.05.

Can you tell me how can I repair this defect?

Best Regards!

@Joe Riel Thank you very much!

Best regards!

@Joe Riel Thank you very much!

Best regards!

Thank you very much! Following your direction, problems has been solved. I use maple 14, I lacked of dsolveargs=[maxfun=0]. By the way, can you tell me what function can dsolveargs=[maxfun=0] perform in the ResponsePlot command? 

Best Regards.

Thank you very much! Following your direction, problems has been solved. I use maple 14, I lacked of dsolveargs=[maxfun=0]. By the way, can you tell me what function can dsolveargs=[maxfun=0] perform in the ResponsePlot command? 

Best Regards.

@Valery Cyboulko Dear Sir, this is a great stuff.

Thank you very much! Following your direction, the signal appeared. 

Best Regards!

Thank you very much! Following your direction, the signal appeared. 

Best Regards!

@Valery Cyboulko People living in different cultures see things differently. In my personal opinion,besides scientific researching,studying,working,etc,there are a lot of wondering things in life. Indeed,there is a poem written by Du Mu(A.D.803-A.D.852), who lived in the Tang Dynasty of ancient China. 

Best regards.

                  A Mountain Scene

A stony path's meandering high up the chilly mount,

Where homes are silhouetted' gainst the white clouds' very fount.

Attaracted by th' maples my carriage to a halt I bring:

Th' frost-redden'd leaves at dusk are brighter than the bloom of Spring.

@Valery Cyboulko I agree with your suggestion about continuously improving the Help section in maple. But I think printed books are also important in the 21 century. Though the internet is hypergrowthing, the traditional way of spreading knowledge don't be replaced. Imagining that I'm a freshman, I would like to go to library, refering to the books for knowledge acquirement. In this book-exploring procession, I would probably come across something interesting that may assist my study, for example, maple. Then I would turn to the internet for more information about maple, eventually, fascinated by it . All these hypothetical premise is that the books lying on the shelves which introducing maple must catch my eyes. Then how to catch freshman's eyes? the feathers which can fulfill needs of course. I want to say that books are another important way to spread the software. Just personal opinion.

@Christopher2222 Thank you for your attention. In this competitive world, software researchers/developers are  working harder and harder. I think maple will be more competitive if some features to be widely known by engineering students and engineering tutors, not just widely known for symbolic computation.

Thanks a lot! Mr.Xu. I will study the material carefully and try my best to introduce maple and maplesim to my surroundings. A lot of teathers and students are unfamiliar with maple, especially maplesim in my province, because they often use matlab. I'm planning to do some useful things to make them understand maple is another powerful and convenient assistor, either to the teathers/researchers or to the students.

Best Regards!

Thanks a lot! Mr.Xu. I will study the material carefully and try my best to introduce maple and maplesim to my surroundings. A lot of teathers and students are unfamiliar with maple, especially maplesim in my province, because they often use matlab. I'm planning to do some useful things to make them understand maple is another powerful and convenient assistor, either to the teathers/researchers or to the students.

Best Regards!

Thank you very much! Your instruction is very clear and perfect!

Best Regards!

Thank you very much! Your instruction is very clear and perfect!

Best Regards!

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