
356 Reputation

9 Badges

17 years, 151 days


Wayne J. Bell AREVA NP, Inc. Charlotte, North Carolina

waynebell@carolina.rr.com; wayne.bell@areva.com; wayne.bell@fpl.com

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Wayne

Thank you for the prompt response. The plot commands you suggest do result in a contour plot, but I am trying to replicate the plot shown in Figure 5 of the Lo paper. I was hoping to limit the range of the solution to equation 16 to k=0..1 and beta=3.5-5.5 (200 degrees to 315 degrees). I appreciate your insight to the problem as I am an engineer by training and new to the use of Maple.
Thank you for the prompt response. The plot commands you suggest do result in a contour plot, but I am trying to replicate the plot shown in Figure 5 of the Lo paper. I was hoping to limit the range of the solution to equation 16 to k=0..1 and beta=3.5-5.5 (200 degrees to 315 degrees). I appreciate your insight to the problem as I am an engineer by training and new to the use of Maple.
Thank you for the prompt response. The maple commands do result in a plot of the equation, but I am trying to replicate the author's beta-k relation shown in Figure 5 of the paper. I would like to limit the solution to a range of k=0..1 and beta = 3.5..5.5 (200 degrees to 315 degrees). Your assistance is appreciated - I am an engineer by training and a neophyte in the use of Maple. The entire Lo paper is posted (5 separate pages) on the site if you wish to read the entire presentation.
Thank you for the prompt response. The maple commands do result in a plot of the equation, but I am trying to replicate the author's beta-k relation shown in Figure 5 of the paper. I would like to limit the solution to a range of k=0..1 and beta = 3.5..5.5 (200 degrees to 315 degrees). Your assistance is appreciated - I am an engineer by training and a neophyte in the use of Maple. The entire Lo paper is posted (5 separate pages) on the site if you wish to read the entire presentation.
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