
1781 Reputation

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20 years, 128 days
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

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Will Spaetzel is a Software Architect in the Maple T.A. Team at Maplesoft.

He started at Maplesoft in May of 2004 for a 16 month internship while completing his Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of Western Ontario. During his final year at UWO, he continued on as moderator for MaplePrimes. He joined Maplesoft full-time in May 2006 and moved to the web team in Jan 2007. In December of 2010, Will moved to the Maple T.A. team. 

Will was born and grew up in Ontario, Canada. He maintains a personal blog, dabbles in photography builds web applications in his spare time.

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These are replies submitted by Will

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William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

Just going through older posts, and realized I forgot to post that this has been fixed (a while ago)


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

I doubt that Google skips any words that have the formatting you describe, Google actually indexes Flash, PDF and JavaScript now, so they're obviously indexing as much as possible, so skipping valid HTML makes no sense.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

The search on MaplePrimes is powered by Maplesoft's Google Mini server.

It uses the same algorithm as Google proper, which does work in mysterious ways.

You can see the raw results from the Google Mini here:


And actually doing the same query with Google proper gets different results


But it still misses the "_%{F2M2z....." thread.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

I have fixed the broken link for the download of that application. Thanks for letting us know.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

@PattiMichelle I just checked with our Customer Support team and I was told they e-mailed you on Nov 29th requesting that you supply your purchase code.

Can you please call them at 1-800-267-6583 ext 240 between 8 and 5 Eastern Time, and they'll be able to help you.

@PattiMichelle I just checked with our Customer Support team and I was told they e-mailed you on Nov 29th requesting that you supply your purchase code.

Can you please call them at 1-800-267-6583 ext 240 between 8 and 5 Eastern Time, and they'll be able to help you.

@Christopher2222 both @bthur and myself have tried and we cannot reproduce the behavior you describe here. Can you please try again to see if you are still seeing the problem?

If you still see it, please post detailed steps on how to reproduce it. 

Thanks for your help,


The applications that are displayed when you search for Maple 6, Maple 7, and Maple 8 are current applications that have also been tested in Maple 10 or greater.

You can click on the "click here" underneath 'Displaying applications" to see the archived applications for your search.

For example, here are the archived applications for Maple 6.



William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

It appears that many applications are not being listed when doing a search for specific versions of Maple using the application center search. 

In fact, there are 189 active applications that are associated with Maple V that should appear in the list. 

One way you can find Maple V applications, is to use our Google Mini's search instead, this search term lists all pages containing "Maple V" within the application center. 


Thank you for reporting this issue and we will be looking into it further.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

I have fixed the problem again. And I believe I have fixed the issue that causes this to keep happening. As before, please let me know if it happens again.



William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

I converted this comment into a Post as I believe it deserves its own thread. More people will see it as a Post instead of a comment on an old thread.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

Posts don't get deleted because of down votes. 

I haven't checked, but I'm guessing you deleted your own Answer.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

@Doug Meade Yes, my answer is that (as far as I know) MapleNet does not allow this based on security reasons. Loading the JDB over the internet is dangerous as it would allow potentially malicious code to be injected into the Maplet.

By web service I mean a simple page that your Maplet could load to get the data from the database. For example, if your Maplet needs to load up a list of people's names with a search parameter. The Maplet could load this URL from your server:


Then the PHP page would list off the results

Will Spaetzel
John Williamson
William Smith

It would be simple for you to parse the results in your Maplet, and then make use of that data.

@Doug Meade Yes, my answer is that (as far as I know) MapleNet does not allow this based on security reasons. Loading the JDB over the internet is dangerous as it would allow potentially malicious code to be injected into the Maplet.

By web service I mean a simple page that your Maplet could load to get the data from the database. For example, if your Maplet needs to load up a list of people's names with a search parameter. The Maplet could load this URL from your server:


Then the PHP page would list off the results

Will Spaetzel
John Williamson
William Smith

It would be simple for you to parse the results in your Maplet, and then make use of that data.

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