
80 Reputation

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2 years, 259 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Will_iii

Given a function like f(x)=2*x

I can enter this in Flow 2022 like this ...  f := x -> 2*x;

1 - But how to enter the general case f(x) where the function is not defined beyond just f(x)?

2 - And ultimately how to enter the below?

In either case ...

Since f(x) is the general case and not defined as in my intial example above ...
I can't figure out how to enter this into Flow 2022

Thanks for any help.

System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

Maple Flow 2022

Question 1 - How would you enter this in Maple Flow 2022?

I can create "i sub C" by pressing "space+ underbar" two times

but I can'g get (t) ... the "function of t" to go with C as part of the subscript.

So, how would you enter this into Flow 2022?

Question 2 - I watched this video ... Taking Derivatives in Maple 15 and he demonstrates right clicking to get a "Context Menu" ... I was unable to get this to work in Flow 2022 ... should it work or is that feature only avaible in Maple?

Thanks for any help.

I expected Maple Flow 2022 to return return 2 pi Radians as the answer to the below ... but instead it returned 360 arcdeg.

360 arcdeg * (pi rad/180 arcdeg) =

Question: Why don't the "arcdeg" units cancel out and Maple Flow 2022 return the answer 2 pi rad ?
I expected Maple Flow to handle the units by cancelling out the "arcdeg" units and return 2 pi rad as the answer.

(Note: in this post I placed a space between the numbers and the units for clarity ...
understanding that in Flow you actually enter the number, then press Ctl+Space+U then enter the unit.)

Thanks for any help.

I'm running Maple Flow 2022 on a Win10 Pro PC...

When looking at a Maple Flow worksheet I press Ctl-F to search for something on the worksheet ...

The search seems to work but the "found text" turns white ... so it is hard to see ... any fix for this?

Also, Is Dark Mode available for Maple Flow?

Thanks for any help.

I read it somewhere along the way but can't find it now ...

When entering Text into a Text Container you can inter-mix math in the Text Container ...

I think it was some key-stroke that told Maple Flow that you were switchng to entering Math ...

Can someone please remind me how to do this.

Thanks for any Help.

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