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14 years, 79 days

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These are replies submitted by adel-00

@Carl Love 

u instead of N

maximize((alpha+(l+alpha)*u+alpha*k*u^2)*a=u*(alpha+(l+alpha)*u+alpha*k*u^2)*(1+l*alpha*b/((alpha+(l+alpha)*u+alpha*k*u^2))), u=0.5..1, location);

i.e vales of (a,u)

Best regards



thanks again,

becuse of the function is expilicit it is not easy to find values of n if values of K known

for example:


but I believe you have a way to substitute K in the equaion to get N.

Thanks in advanced.

@adel-00 many many thanks

@Kitonum Thanks, how can I get the values of N at the maximum and minimum points, respectivily.

(3.663102179, N  ) and (3.019929556, N) 


Many thanks that was helpful 

Ya I meant tau:=4*Pi: and 5*Pi:


Normalize:= proc(P4::specfunc(anything, PLOT))
local A,Smax1;
A:= op([1,1], P4);
Smax1:= max(A[..,2]);
if A::list then A:= Matrix(A) end if;
A[..,2]:= A[..,2]/Smax1;
subsop([1,1]= A, P4)
end proc:

P4:= Normalize(P4);

P4:= plottools:-translate(Normalize(P4), 0, 1):

the same for P5 after setting one of the parameter (tau:=5*Pi)


Plots p1,P2 and P3 are OK 

But P4 and P5 doesnt... we are close, Please copy the above commands  

P4 and P5 are for tau:= 4Pi and 5Pi, respecetiviely.


Normalize:= proc(P4::specfunc(anything, PLOT))
local A,Smax1;
A:= op([1,1], P4);
Smax1:= max(A[..,2]);
if A::list then A:= Matrix(A) end if;
A[..,2]:= A[..,2]/Smax1;
subsop([1,1]= A, P4)
end proc:

P4:= Normalize(P4);

P4:= plottools:-translate(Normalize(P4), 0, 1):

the same for P5 after setting one of the parameter (tau:=5Pi)


Many thanks.

Thanks.. but why its works for the three plots only doesnt work with P4 and P5

do I have to change the 

Normalize:= proc(P1::specfunc(anything, PLOT))
local A,Smax1;
A:= op([1,1], P1);
Smax1:= max(A[..,2]); # what is 2 stand for????

if A::list then A:= Matrix(A) end if;
A[..,2]:= A[..,2]/Smax1;
subsop([1,1]= A, P1)
end proc:

#P4:= plottools:-translate(Normalize(P4), 0, 3):
#P5:= plottools:-translate(Normalize(P5), 0, 4): 

Mant thanks for your reply



the plot P is for tau:Pi

and plot P2 is for tau:=2*Pi:



then display in one  figure as translate as u did.

any idea! looking forward to hear from you


Dear Carl:

I did like this:





then display all plots.. but ur code works for the first plot...

each plot normalized by its maximum

Do have any ideas??

I appriciated your clarifications

Thanks in advanced.

the first plot end at 1 and the second one start at one end at 2 this can be by ur comman??


Many thanks seems it works but first: I want to plot P1:=plot(Spec,-10..10,options);then P2:=plot(Spec+1,-10..10,options);P3:=plot(Spec+2,-10..10,options)....

I use ur code but change print to display and changing P1, P2 respectiviely

A:= Matrix(op([1,1], P2)):
Smax1:= max(A[..,2]):
A[..,2]:= A[..,2]/Smax1:
P2:= subsop([1,1]= A, P2):

now the first plot is ok but for P2 it doesnt start from 1??


still it takes long time when setting the parameters theta and Phi other than 0..

many many thanks that was useful


Thanks now this work

now plz what can i do regarding changing the parameters 

many many thanks

i dont know why these parameters theta:=Pi/3;phi:=Pi;

still take long time and i stoped it.

plz wiating for ur further comments

Dear Carl

I realy appriciated your clarifications

when I run the prograame gives me:

Error, assigning to a long list, please use Arrays

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