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MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by eithne

For anyone who is affected by this bug and who can’t use the partial “remove the restarts” option, we have put together some instructions/links so you can roll back to Maple 2019.1 until the fix is available.

@Carl Love It's something we've discussed, of course. It's complicated (e.g. there are fixes in 2019.2 that positively affect many more customers, the advanced users who are most likely to use a .mapleinit have most likely already updated anyway (or aren't going to), there is a partial workaround available etc.) Fortunately, we believe we are close to having a solution, so we expect to have a new update very soon.

We have investigated, and determined that this problem only occurs if you are opening an existing worksheet AND that worksheet contains a restart command. It does not affect new worksheets, or existing worksheets that do not include a restart.

We are working on a fix now. In the meantime, a partial workaround is to remove the restart commands whenever possible. We recognize that this solution will not be an option for everyone, but note that if the restart only occurs at the beginning of the document, it can be safely removed.  By default, each worksheet starts with a new math engine, so an initial restart is not necessary.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and will let you know when we have further updates.

@Rouben Rostamian  Thank you for the detailed report. We're investigating.

Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences. It is always useful for use to learn what people expect vs. what they experience. Even when Maple can do the things they are asking for, it’s also important to know which features users are finding and which they aren’t.  While we cannot promise that we will make all the changes you suggest exactly as you suggested them, we are looking at all your comments carefully to see how we can improve things.

Here are a few more things you might find useful:

  • You can convert text to math using the context menus. Select the math expression from your text, and select Convert to>2-D Math. 
  • As someone mentioned, you can enter a new, non-executable math expression by using Shift+F5 to get into math mode instead of F5. Similarly, you can convert executable math to non-executable math by highlighting it and then pressing Shift+F5
  • You can use Ctrl+Delete to remove the pink error messages and other more “stubborn” worksheet elements.

Thanks again for the feedback.

Oh, that's nice. Most likely I saw it at the time, but I had forgotten it was there.  I was treating this problem as a puzzle I wanted to solve myself, for fun, so I didn't look for other solutions first.  Glad to see I was right about the graph theory!

No, there were no changes in that area for this release, so the behaviour is the same for now.

We have now released an update that fixes this problem. See http://www.mapleprimes.com/posts/202314-Mac-OS-X-1011-Now-Supported for details.

We have now released updates to Maple 2015 and MapleSim 2015 that fix these problems. See http://www.mapleprimes.com/posts/202314-Mac-OS-X-1011-Now-Supported for details.

We have now released an update that fixes this problem. See http://www.mapleprimes.com/posts/202314-Mac-OS-X-1011-Now-Supported for details.


Yes, we are working on a solution now. It should be ready in a few weeks.

@Markiyan Hirnyk 


This functionality (displaying the steps in the worksheet after the tutor is closed) was added in Maple 17. In older versions of Maple, you can use the ShowSolution command instead.


If you’re interested in comparisons, you could visit the How Does Maple Compare page on the Maplesoft web site. Among other things, you’ll find a technical paper giving a detailed comparison of Maple and Mathematica.  Obviously, I’m not claiming that this is a 3rd party, independently produced comparison, but I think you would find it useful in identifying some of the differences between the two products.


eithne (Maplesoft)

I was just reminded of yuletide.mw 

(Thanks to Doug Harder, I believe, for the Maple port of this "classic" C code.)

Since The Mobius Project content resides in the MapleCloud, the MapleCloud Terms of Use apply. You can find those terms here: http://www.maplesoft.com/cloud/terms.aspx

We'll look into ways to make this more obvious. Thanks for pointing it out.


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