emma hassan

45 Reputation

9 Badges

12 years, 44 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by emma hassan

am trying to solve this code by changing boundary conditions but all the time it gives error that some points are not included i dont know what the reason is or may be my boundary conditions are not utilized please check it am attaching my file trytimg.mw

hi friends am using maple 13 which is unable to find exact solutions for pdes

because for exact solution i should have maple 15 but am not able to install that so please can anyone of u can find exact sloution for me of the pde

pde := diff(U(x, y), x, x)-3*(diff(U(x, y), y, y))+16 = 0 where boundary conditions are

U=0 on x=1,-1

U=0 on x=1,-1

diff(U(x, y), y) = -U on y=1, -1< x

diff(U(x, y), y) = U on y=-1, -1< x

hello friends am working on 2d heat equation and i have writen maple code for it but its not running because my scheme is having fictitious points which are removed by using boundary conditions but in this code which i have written the line in bold is not using boundary conditions due to which my fictitious points are still in programe and its not working am attaching my worksheet


please let me know where am wrong thank you...

hey friends..
Am trying to solve 2d poission equation with finite difference method and using different scheme is got

ui-1,j -8ui,j + ui+1,j + 3ui,j-1 +3ui,j+1 = -h *16

and i have made code for this which is

> restart;
> with(LinearAlgebra);
> printf(`The lefthand endpoint on the X-axis is 0.\n`);
> OK := FALSE;
> while OK = FALSE do printf(`Input...

well i know this blog is for maple problems and question but badly need your help guys. i want to know difference between cubic spline and cubic b-spline in simple words..

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