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7 years, 239 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by gaurav_rs

@AmusingYeti I have checked it .Even in matlab load command fails to import the matrix saying editor out of memory.

@acer Thanks for the reply. Regarding the aim, once i have x[i] as a function of kappa i will replace kappa with known rational polynomial of s say kappa = (s^2+3*s+12) /(s+3) ,  where 's' is a variable ( defined as in  in laplace transformation ).

Finally, I have to invert x(s) to  get x(t)  as a function of time (inverse Laplace transformation). If this is not possible analytically can you suggest some alternate?





@Carl Love  Thanks for the reply.  I have included the missing information in the post now. vector b contains zero and 1 (only 4 entries). And x can be seen as

x= {10000*(kappa^20)+(kappa^15)*123.234+....many terms}/{9000*(kappa^20)+...*kappa^17+......many terms).

Is there a way to identify which equations are redundant in a system of equations? If it is possible then I will try to eliminate those two equations. Will it be helpful?



@ Carl Love 

Thanks for the reply. In order to solve around 250 equations with Linear algebra package along with method=  'solve' option it takes around 50 minutes . As I set the no of equation to 400 I find maple still calculating the unknowns while the time  consumed  is already a day (24 hours).




@Carl Love Thanks for the reply.

For the current problem, the system of equations can be represented as Ax=b where A is a square matrix consisting n rows (n=300). The elements of matrix A are either rational number or algebraic number. For example, one of the elements (1st row and 2nd column) could be written as, A(12) = (p+1)/q(p-5), where p and q are symbols. Also, some elements are rational numbers as well, for example,  A(26)=25/6 .

I want to express the unknown x(i)  as a function of p,q. b is the right-hand side of the equation consisting integer entries.  

In general, the coefficients are the combination of rational numbers and algebraic polynomial expressed as symbols.




@acer thanks a lot. I was looking exactly looking for this. Thank you very much.


@acer I was using the first method to generate inset as discussed in the file attached below. But unable to export it in eps format. I am using Maple18.



After the command


 I am unable to export the figure in the desired format (eps,jmpg). Any clue how to do that?

@Markiyan Hirnyk Thanks for the link.

After the command


 I am unable to save the figure in the desired format (eps,jmpg). Any clue how to do that?

Thank you, everyone, for the reply. All the tricks work. In particular,  Rouben Rostamian answer did my job. 


Thanks Kitonum . I liked the bar option ( labels = [x, conjugate(sigma[y])] ) because of its look.  Hat looks a little awkward due to  its uneven strech over  sigma.


@tomleslie Thanks for posting the code @ maple 18. It works perfectly fine. Next post onwards I will be mentioning  maple version as well. Many thanks..

@tomleslie Thanks a lot. It was very useful. Yes, there is some issue and version compatibility. Now " op " command has some issue. I will try to fix them,  the code helped me to understand some basic concepts in Maple .

Many thanks.

@tomleslie  thanks a lot for the code. All the three methods were very useful. In the code  I think there is  a typo as the first method  processes with  error : "Error, Array index out of range".

I think instead of M1:= M1[4..-1, 3..6]  it should read as M1:= M1[4..62, 3..6] . Is it so? One more query:  after the import , if I have to plot some selected points, for example "plot every 5th point from the list i.e. say point no  {1,6,11,16...end }" Is there a clean way to do that? Many thanks.




@acer Thanks for the alternate solution. It solves the issue. Using bold font for only the superscript (exponent) looks better. 

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