
2355 Reputation

13 Badges

20 years, 121 days
Draeger Medical Systems, Inc.



Georgios Kokovidis
Dräger Medical

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by gkokovidis

The function plot looks correct for the given function definition. If the result is not what you expect, then the inequalities are not defined correctly. Could you list the inequalities that you are trying to plot. That might give a hint as to what the problem is. As an example, below is a piece of code from a previous request on mapleprimes that I answered a while back. Maybe that will help you. Probles was stated as follows: x< -1, y=2-x; -1<= x <= 1, y=x; x>1, y=2x+1; Resultant Maple code to plot the above inequalities was as follows: f := x -> piecewise(x<-1,2-x,x>=-1 and x<=1,x,x>1,2*x+1); plot(f(x),x=-10..10,discont=true); Hope this will guide you in the right direction. Regards, Georgios Kokovidis
I imagine that you are looking for functionality similar to Mathcad in this regard, where you can double click on your answer and be presented with five different options of number type. This is not available in Maple. Maybe in a future version. //Georgios Kokovidis
I imagine that you are looking for functionality similar to Mathcad in this regard, where you can double click on your answer and be presented with five different options of number type. This is not available in Maple. Maybe in a future version. //Georgios Kokovidis
Strange indeed. I am using the classic interface. I tried your example with the Maple10 interface and I got true as well. Sorry for the confusion. One would think that the functions behave the same way regardless of interface usage. //Georgios
Strange indeed. I am using the classic interface. I tried your example with the Maple10 interface and I got true as well. Sorry for the confusion. One would think that the functions behave the same way regardless of interface usage. //Georgios
Greetings. As posted, I tried all of your examples and I got the same response that you predicted for each case. Using Maple 10, if I type > is(1=1=1); I get the following error message: Error, `=` unexpected I think this is a result of parameter passing to the "is" function, although I might be mistaken here. I know what you are trying to do. Maybe there are others out there with a more elegant way to do this. //Georgios
Greetings. As posted, I tried all of your examples and I got the same response that you predicted for each case. Using Maple 10, if I type > is(1=1=1); I get the following error message: Error, `=` unexpected I think this is a result of parameter passing to the "is" function, although I might be mistaken here. I know what you are trying to do. Maybe there are others out there with a more elegant way to do this. //Georgios
You are correct. It can't be done directly if you want to do what you are looking for. Greek letters are not a problem per se, but mixing them inside a string that does not want to be interpretted as a Greek character set is difficult. Below is an attemp, although rather painful, to do what you want. > restart:with(plots): > a:=plot(sin(x), x=-Pi..Pi): > b:=textplot([1.6,0.4,"sin( )"]): > c:=textplot([1.7,0.4," a"],font=[SYMBOL,ROMAN]): > display(a,b,c,view=[-Pi..Pi,-1..1]); Regards, Georgios Kokovidis Dräger Medical
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