
135 Reputation

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1 years, 227 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by jganding

@tomleslie I noticed you said the version of the screenshot above is 2023.  I though the double bracket display for units (except when editing them) was dropped in Maple 2015 (I think). Is there a way to configure the units to display in the brackets (I actually like it). Thanks.

@tomleslie Thank you for taking a look at this. Will forgo the use of units in this worksheet :(

@C_R Perfect! Thank you...

@C_R Thank you for your reply and example worksheet.  In your Maple 2023 worksheet, I think there are still issues. Please take a look at the enclosed annotated PDF of your worksheet for information on where the problems I noticed are.  Thanks again for your help!


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