
640 Reputation

8 Badges

16 years, 238 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by jzivku

I would recommend contacting Maplesoft Technical Support at support@maplesoft.com to further investigate this issue.

Maplesoft Technical Support Analyst

I would recommend contacting Maplesoft Technical Support at support@maplesoft.com to further discuss this issue you are having.

Maplesoft Technical Support Analyst

There are many different types of formats that Maple can export to.
For a list of them, please click here: http://www.maplesoft.com/support/help/Maple/view.aspx?path=worksheet/managing/export

Also, if you would like to publish your worksheets on a server to give users the ability to view them online, you can use MapleNet. For more information on MapleNet please click here: http://www.maplesoft.com/products/maplenet/index.aspx

Maplesoft Technical Support Analyst

Here is a link to a FAQ that details how to change the fonts in Maple: http://www.maplesoft.com/support/faqs/detail.aspx?sid=87675 .


Maplesoft Technical Support Analyst

Please contact Maplesoft Technical Support.
Email: support@maplesoft.com
Phone: 1-800-267-6583 x413

Maplesoft Technical Support Analyst

Please contact Maplesoft Technical Support.
Email: support@maplesoft.com
Phone: 1-800-267-6583 x413

Maplesoft Technical Support Analyst

According to the website for this package, http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/~jrs/maple.html#posets , it has only been tested up until Maple 11.

I would recommend contacting the author directly to further investigate the issue.
His contact information is found at http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/~jrs/index.html .

Maplesoft Technical Support Analyst

It sounds like it may be a licensing issue.
I would contact Technical Support at support@maplesoft.com or by calling 1-800-267-6583 x413 .

Maplesoft Technical Support Analyst

As Axel Vogt has mentioned, Classic Worksheet Maple 14 is not available on the 64-bit platform.

For information on what platforms the Classic Worksheet for Maple is available on, please click here: http://www.maplesoft.com/support/faqs/detail.aspx?sid=95530



Maplesoft Technical Support Analyst

It would be a good idea to contact Technical Support (support@maplesoft.com) and explain the above problem with your operating system and whether your comptuer is 32-bit or 64-bit.
There are a few things that could be happening with your system that Tech Support would be able to assist you with that goes beyond the scope of MaplePrimes.

Take Care.

There are certain calculations in Maple that can show the steps to solutions, integrals, limits, topics in linear algebra, etc... , but not everything in Maple can have the solutions drawn out.
These can be seen in the interactive tutors found in the Tools > Tutors menu in Maple.

For your particular question, unfortunately, Maple will not show the steps to that solution.

For information on this, check out the help file for ShowSteps and ShowSolution which are in the Student[Calculus1] package.


If you are still having problems with the corrupted worksheet, I would recommend contating Maplesoft Technical Support at support@maplesoft.com .

In order to raise the x to the exponent 4, you will need to use the ^ character.
There is no other shorter way to do this.

If you meant something else, please elaborate more on this.

Maplesoft Technical Support Analyst

You can import images into Maple to view, but they can't be used as a background for a plot.
I apologize for this inconenience.

Maplesoft Technical Support Analyst

Assuming you are using the pointplot command from the plots pacakge, you can use the option connect=true to connect the points by line segments.
You can find more information on the pointplot command by typing the following into a Maple worksheet:


If however you are using a different command other than pointplot, please let us know.
It may also help if you provide a worksheet that shows the work you have doen so far.

Maplesoft Technical Support Analyst

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