
640 Reputation

8 Badges

17 years, 24 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by jzivku

Aujourd’hui, je suis ravis d’annoncer la disponibilité d’une large banque de questions françaises supportant les enseignements du secondaire et de l’enseignement supérieur. Ce contenu didactique est disponible via le MapleTA Cloud, et également grâce au lien de téléchargement ci-dessous.

Lien de téléchargement de la banque de questions françaises

Ces questions sont librement et gratuitement accessibles, et vous pouvez les utiliser directement sur vos propres évaluations et exercices dans MapleTA, ou les éditer et modifier pour les adapter à vos besoins.

Le contenu de cette banque de questions françaises traite de sujets pour les classes et enseignements pré-bac, post-bac pour en majorité les matières scientifiques.

Les matières traitées par niveaux et domaines sont:

Lycées :

  • Electricité
  • Équations Différentielles
  • Gravitation universelle
  • Langues
  • Maths I
  • Maths II
  • Physique
  • Chimie
  • Mécanique

Enseignement supérieur (Post-Bac) :

  • Astrobiologie
  • Introduction au Calcul pour la Biologie
  • Chimie
  • Déplacement d'onde
  • Electricité & Magnétisme
  • Maths pour l’économie
  • Maths Post-Bac
  • Mécanique Angulaire
  • Mécanique des Fluides
  • Mécanique linéaire
  • Physique Post-Bac
  • Electrocinétique
  • Matériau
  • Mécanique des Fluides
  • Thermodynamique

Jonny Zivku
Maplesoft Product Manager, Maple T.A.

Several Maple T.A. users have developed comprehensive sets of question content and assignments to support full courses in Maple T.A. These questions are available through the Maple T.A. Cloud, and we have decided to also post the associated course modules on Maple Primes as an alternative way of accessing this content.

Below you will find a link to the Introductory Calculus Maple T.A.. course module developed by Keele University.

This testing content is freely distributed, and can be used in your own Maple T.A. tests either as-is, or with edits.

These questions are designed to accompany the first semester of an introductory honours calculus course. The course is intended primarily for students who need or expect to pursue further studies in mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering and computer science. With over 250 question, topics include: basic material about functions, polynomials, logs and exponentials, the concept of the derivative, and lots of practise exercises for finding derivatives and integrals, and material about series.

Jonny Zivku
Maplesoft Product Manager, Maple T.A.

Several Maple T.A. users have developed comprehensive sets of question content and assignments to support full courses in Maple T.A. These questions are available through the Maple T.A. Cloud, and we have decided to also post the associated course modules on Maple Primes as an alternative way of accessing this content.

Below you will find a link to the Introductory Calculus for Biological Sciences Maple T.A.. course module developed by the University of Guelph.

This testing content is freely distributed, and can be used in your own Maple T.A. tests either as-is, or with edits.

The Introductory Calculus for Biological Sciences course module is designed to cover a single-semester introductory calculus course for biological sciences students at the first-year university level. The questions are designed to span the topics listed below, allowing for practice, homework or testing throughout the semester.

Topics include:

  • Introduction to Functions
  • Composite and Inverse Functions
  • Trigonometric Functions
  • Logarithms and Exponents
  • Sequences and Finite Series
  • Limits and Continuity
  • Derivatives
  • Curve Sketching
  • Differentials
  • Linear Approximation
  • Taylor Polynomials
  • Difference Equations
  • Log-Log Graphs
  • Anti-Differentiation
  • Definite Integrals

Jonny Zivku
Maplesoft Product Manager, Maple T.A.

Several Maple T.A. users have developed comprehensive sets of question content and assignments to support full courses in Maple T.A. These questions are available through the Maple T.A. Cloud, and we have decided to also post the associated course modules on Maple Primes as an alternative way of accessing this content.

Below you will find a link to the Introductory Mathematical Economics Maple T.A.. course module developed by the University of Guelph.

This testing content is freely distributed, and can be used in your own Maple T.A. tests either as-is, or with edits.

The Introductory Mathematical Economics course module is designed to cover a single-semester course in mathematical economics for economics and commerce students at the second-year university level. The questions are designed to span the topics listed below, allowing for practice, homework or testing throughout the semester.

Topics include:

  • Rules of Differentiation
  • First Order Differential Equations
  • Higher Order Derivatives
  • Optimization in One Variable
  • Second Order Conditions for Optimization
  • Systems of Linear Equations
  • Optimization with Direct Restrictions on Variables
  • Over Determined and Under Determined Systems
  • Matrix Representation of Systems
  • Gauss Jordan
  • Matrix Operations
  • Types of Matrices
  • Determinants and Inverses
  • Partial Differentiation
  • Second Order Partial Derivatives
  • Multivariate Optimization
  • Second Order Conditions for Multivariate Optimization
  • Multivariate Optimization with Direct Restrictions of Variables
  • Constrained Optimization and the Lagrangean Method
  • Second Order Conditions for Constrained Optimization

Jonny Zivku
Maplesoft Product Manager, Maple T.A.

Several Maple T.A. users have developed comprehensive sets of question content and assignments to support full courses in Maple T.A. These questions are available through the Maple T.A. Cloud, and we have decided to also post the associated course modules on Maple Primes as an alternative way of accessing this content.

Below you will find a link to the Introductory Electricity & Magnetism Maple T.A.. course module developed by the University of Guelph.

This testing content is freely distributed, and can be used in your own Maple T.A. tests either as-is, or with edits.

The Introductory Electricity & Magnetism course module is designed to cover a single-semester course in electricity and magnetism for physical sciences students at the first-year university level. The questions are designed to span the topics listed below, allowing for practice, homework or testing throughout the semester. Using the Maple engine that is part of Maple TA, a custom grading engine has been developed to provide even more flexible grading of scalar and vector responses. This partial grading engine can be configured to, among other things, assign part marks for missing units, transposed or missing vector components or missing algebraic terms.

Topics include:

  • Cross Products
  • Coulomb’s Law
  • Electric Fields
  • Point Charge Distributions
  • Continuous Charge Distributions (Integration)
  • Electric Potential
  • Electric Potential Energy
  • Electromotive Force
  • Resistance
  • Capacitance
  • Kirchhoff’s Laws
  • Magnetic Fields
  • Magnetic Fields Due to Current Carrying Wires
  • Forces on Wires in Magnetic Fields
  • Forces on Charges in Electric and/or Magnetic Fields
  • EM Waves
  • Two Source Interference
  • Double Slit Interference
  • Single Slit Diffraction
  • Diffraction Gratings

Jonny Zivku
Maplesoft Product Manager, Maple T.A.

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