
Mr. Roman Pearce

1688 Reputation

19 Badges

20 years, 75 days
Research Associate
Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada

I am a research associate at Simon Fraser University and a member of the Computer Algebra Group at the CECM.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by roman_pearce

That's the maximum number of digits (base 10), which is about a 100MB integer. Not bad for a 32-bit machine. On a 64-bit machine the limit is 15GB.
Why would they put a jpeg in an eps file?! That's just nonsense! Simply put, that is not what "export to postscript" means. They removed the feature. Someone should code it in Maple code. And how could you dream of removing postscript ?!!
Why would they put a jpeg in an eps file?! That's just nonsense! Simply put, that is not what "export to postscript" means. They removed the feature. Someone should code it in Maple code. And how could you dream of removing postscript ?!!
inner computes inner products (dot products). I forgot it's undocumented. It's used a lot.
inner computes inner products (dot products). I forgot it's undocumented. It's used a lot.
It's probably easier and faster to just code it yourself. I'll make up a simple example. First, assign all the functions to a table:
Sx := table():
Sy := table():
for i from 1 to 20 do 
  Sx[i] := x -> i*x;  # your functions go here
  Sy[i] := y-> i*ln(y);
end do:
Now we will write a wrapper function that indexes into the table and makes the point. It is much faster to use trunc than floor.
S := proc(v) local i; i := trunc(v); return [Sx[i](v), Sy[i](v)]; end proc:
Finally, you can add some logic to the function S to handle values outside of your table, if you need them.
It's probably easier and faster to just code it yourself. I'll make up a simple example. First, assign all the functions to a table:
Sx := table():
Sy := table():
for i from 1 to 20 do 
  Sx[i] := x -> i*x;  # your functions go here
  Sy[i] := y-> i*ln(y);
end do:
Now we will write a wrapper function that indexes into the table and makes the point. It is much faster to use trunc than floor.
S := proc(v) local i; i := trunc(v); return [Sx[i](v), Sy[i](v)]; end proc:
Finally, you can add some logic to the function S to handle values outside of your table, if you need them.
Guys, try the following. Open the standard interface and go to the options (Tools->Options on Windows I think). On the "Display" tab set "Input Display -> Maple Notation" and tick "Use hardware acceleration for plots". On the "Interface" tab set "Default format for new worksheets -> Worksheet". Then hit "Apply Globally". Now close the current document and create a new one or restart Maple. You have a nice prompt with red text input like classic Maple. Enter `abc``de`; and `abc\`de`; and check, they work fine. Try plot(sin(1/x),x=0..1); and notice how in Maple 13 the plot looks really good. Now try randpoly([x,y,z],degree=20,terms=1700); and notice how it displays quickly and hides 1500 terms in the middle of the messy output automatically. If you were on a Mac or 64-bit Linux this whole time, you would have been stuck with the Java interface. In the early days it wasn't good. Now it's good enough. Try it and see.
Guys, try the following. Open the standard interface and go to the options (Tools->Options on Windows I think). On the "Display" tab set "Input Display -> Maple Notation" and tick "Use hardware acceleration for plots". On the "Interface" tab set "Default format for new worksheets -> Worksheet". Then hit "Apply Globally". Now close the current document and create a new one or restart Maple. You have a nice prompt with red text input like classic Maple. Enter `abc``de`; and `abc\`de`; and check, they work fine. Try plot(sin(1/x),x=0..1); and notice how in Maple 13 the plot looks really good. Now try randpoly([x,y,z],degree=20,terms=1700); and notice how it displays quickly and hides 1500 terms in the middle of the messy output automatically. If you were on a Mac or 64-bit Linux this whole time, you would have been stuck with the Java interface. In the early days it wasn't good. Now it's good enough. Try it and see.
The classic interface is old and not supported anymore. It isn't even installed on 64-bit platforms. It should be killed off.
The classic interface is old and not supported anymore. It isn't even installed on 64-bit platforms. It should be killed off.

I'm a little aprehensive about losing the old MaplePrimes which in many ways has worked so well.  But this does look good.  The unanswered tab is very good, the question format is good, etc.  Looking forward to it.

Make a piecewise function, e.g.:
f := x->x^2-1;
g := x->x+1;
h := x->piecewise(x <= 4, f(x), g(x));
deleted, since the original post was fixed.
deleted, since the original post was fixed.
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