
130 Reputation

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9 years, 339 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by schzan

@Kitonum I have alread tried all those commands but could not come to a slotuion to how to add linearly independent rows. Thanks again!


@Kitonum Thanks for your reply. But this is not what I am asking. I just gave an example. I am looking how to add linearly independednt rows to a matrix.

@ecterrab Thank you so much! Evertyhting is in order now :)

@ecterrab Thanks you so much for your answer. Everything seems to work fine but there is one more thing I need for my program. Indeterminants should include u and v as well, as indicated in my original question. I was trying something else. Please take a look below:

J_gen:=a[1](x) v u + a[2](x) v D(u) - (D(a[2](x)) v + a[2](x) D(v)) u;
a[1](x) v u + a[2](x) v D(u) - (D(a[2](x)) v + a[2](x) D(v)) u


{u, v, x, D(u), D(v), D(a[2](x)), a[1](x), a[2](x)}

X1:=select(has, X, {u, v});

{u, v, D(u), D(v)}

coeffs(J_gen, X1);

Error, (in MTM:-coeffs) invalid arguments to coeffs

Can you please let me know if I can improvise this somehow. Thnaks again :)


@Christian Wolinski Thanks for your reply. I tried your solution it worked in some cases but I think it fails whenever I have derviavtive in coefficients. For example for the below expression


I get this error message: 

Error, (in MTM:-coeffs) invalid arguments to coeffs

Can you please take a look again and help me out. 

Thnaks again :)

@ecterrab Thnaks for your reply but it didn't work. 

@ecterrab Thank you :)

@Markiyan Hirnyk Thanks again!

@Markiyan Hirnyk Could you please tell me how can I extract the order for such a differntial operator. For example, for the operator in above example it should give 2.

@Carl Love Thank you so much for your help.


@Markiyan Hirnyk Thank you so much for your help :)

@Alejandro Jakubi Thanks Carl and Alejandro for your help. As pointed out earlier, after converting to D, Maple considers it as a constant. But unfortunately I found that this is not the only problem occuring in my program. I will take some more time to look in to the details and will report back here if I can make my problem precise. Many thanks again for your sharing your knowledge.

@Alejandro Jakubi Thank you for your reply. I am quite new to Maple and dont know much about it. Please explain your answer and tell me how to make any given function constant (just curious). I dont understand how to get DBG> promt?

For current purpose, I only need df(x)/dx |{x=1} to be constant function under the integration.

@Carl Love  There are many processes invlolved in the program and after all of this I receive an output invloving       d f(x)/dx |_x=1  (df(x)/dx evaluated at 1). So I cannot replace it. Thanks!

@Alejandro Jakubi Thank you so much for your help. :)


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