
45 Reputation

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13 years, 202 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by smithss

@acer Thank you very much for your quick and dedicated response!

@Thomas Richard  Thank you very much!

@Carl Love

You can give me an example of how to use the ssystem command for email as mentioned above.

Thank you very much!

@nm  Thank you very much!


Thank you very much!


I don't know which Maple commands are added so that after executing

a:=1; b:= 2; c:=1; d:= 6; e:= 2;

P:= a*b*c*d*e;

then get the result  P:=1*2*1*6*2

I hope you help me again, thank you very much!

@Carl Love 

With Maple 2015 and Maple 16, I did the restart;

a:=1; b:= 2; c:=1; d:= 6; e:= 2;

P:= `%*`(a, b, c, d, e);

then the result  P:=%*(1,2,1,6,2)

and restart; a:=1; b:= 2; c:=1; d:= 6; e:= 2;

P:= a %* b %* c %* c %* d %* e;

then get a result  P:=384

But I want to get the result  P:=1*2*1*6*2  with maple command, I hope you help me again.

Thank you very much!

@Carl Love 

I hope there is another approach to solving this problem.

I thank you so much for your interest, explanation and help!


I have 13 colors: Black, Yellow, Gold, Green, Grey, Pink, Magenta, Red, Orange, Blue, Cyan, Gray, Brown and 10 columns: L1, L2, ..., L10.

The number of colors is more than the number of columns so I think there will be a way to solve this problem but it is too difficult for me.


With 240 points when arranging them on the rectangle is limited by straight lines: x=1, x=10, y=1, y=24,

I performed as you instructed but my computer ran for a long time still not stopped to execute another command.


L1 := [`$`(Black, 5), `$`(Yellow, 4), `$`(Gold, 3), `$`(Green, 2), `$`(Grey, 2), `$`(Pink, 2), `$`(Magenta, 2), `$`(Red, 2), `$`(Orange, 2)]:

L2 := [`$`(Blue, 5), `$`(Cyan, 4), `$`(Gray, 3), `$`(Green, 2), `$`(Grey, 2), `$`(Pink, 2), `$`(Magenta, 2), `$`(Red, 2), `$`(Orange, 2)]:

L3 := [`$`(Black, 5), `$`(Cyan, 4), `$`(Gold, 3), `$`(Green, 2), `$`(Grey, 2), `$`(Pink, 2), `$`(Magenta, 2), `$`(Red, 2), `$`(Orange, 2)]:

L4 := [`$`(Blue, 5), `$`(Yellow, 4), `$`(Gray, 3), `$`(Green, 2), `$`(Grey, 2), `$`(Pink, 2), `$`(Magenta, 2), `$`(Red, 2), `$`(Orange, 2)]:

L5 := [`$`(Brown, 5), `$`(Cyan, 4), `$`(Gold, 3), `$`(Green, 2), `$`(Grey, 2), `$`(Pink, 2), `$`(Magenta, 2), `$`(Red, 2), `$`(Orange, 2)]:

L6 := [`$`(Black, 5), `$`(Yellow, 4), `$`(Gray, 3), `$`(Green, 2), `$`(Grey, 2), `$`(Pink, 2), `$`(Magenta, 2), `$`(Red, 2), `$`(Orange, 2)]:

L7 := [`$`(Brown, 5), `$`(Cyan, 4), `$`(Gold, 3), `$`(Green, 2), `$`(Grey, 2), `$`(Pink, 2), `$`(Magenta, 2), `$`(Red, 2), `$`(Orange, 2)]:

L8 := [`$`(Brown, 5), `$`(Cyan, 4), `$`(Gray, 3), `$`(Green, 2), `$`(Grey, 2), `$`(Pink, 2), `$`(Magenta, 2), `$`(Red, 2), `$`(Orange, 2)]:

L9 := [`$`(Black, 5), `$`(Yellow, 4), `$`(Gold, 3), `$`(Green, 2), `$`(Grey, 2), `$`(Pink, 2), `$`(Magenta, 2), `$`(Red, 2), `$`(Orange, 2)]:

L10 := [`$`(Blue, 5), `$`(Yellow, 4), `$`(Gray, 3), `$`(Green, 2), `$`(Grey, 2), `$`(Pink, 2), `$`(Magenta, 2), `$`(Red, 2), `$`(Orange, 2)]:

assign(seq(P || i = combinat:-permute(L || i), i = 2 .. 10)):

You have some other way to solve this problem, please help me again. Thank you very much!


     You've helped a lot of people and your code is great!

     I am so happy and happy to receive your help!

     I sincerely thank you very much!

     I wish you lots of health and lots of good code like that!


     I programmed Maple myself to solve this problem which was very difficult for me.

     Anyway, I would like to thank you for your suggestions and help so much!

@Christian Wolinski 

     Thank you very much Christian Wolinski and Rouben Rostamian.

     Your thoughts are the same as my thoughts:

     I want to permute points in each vertical line, so each horizontal line does not have the same color twice (or rearrange the color points, by moving them up or down (not horizontally), so that there remain no repeated colors in each row).

     Please help me find the integer coordinates of these 63 points when arranging them on the rectangle with the Maple command.

     Thank you so much for your help!

@Christian Wolinski 

     As you instruct, the points of the same color on the lines x =1, x =2, ... the VerticalCoord of these points could be equal, not true to my problem.

@Christian Wolinski 

     Thank you for helping me so much!

     My problem, I want to arrange 63 points with coordinates that are integers into rectangles limited by straight lines x=1, x=7, y=1, y=9 so:

  • With 7 black points: there is 1 point located on the straight line x =1, there is 1 point located on the line x =2,  there is 1 point located on the line x = 3, there is 1 point located on the line x = 4, there is 1 point located on the line x = 5, there is 1 point located on the line x = 6, there is 1 point located on the line x = 7 and the VerticalCoord of these 7 points is always different.
  • The same goes for 7 red points.
  • With 8 yellow points: there are 2 points located on the straight line x =1, there are 2 points located on the line x =4,  there are 2 points located on the line x = 5, there are 2 points located on the line x = 7 and the VerticalCoord of these 8 points is always different.
  • With 6 pink points: there are 2 points located on the straight line x =2, there are 2 points located on the line x =3,  there are 2 points located on the line x = 6 and the VerticalCoord of these 6 points is always different.
  • With 8 brown points: there are 2 points located on the straight line x =1, there are 2 points located on the line x =3,  there are 2 points located on the line x = 5, there are 2 points located on the line x = 7 and the VerticalCoord of these 8 points is always different.
  • With 6 purple points: there are 2 points located on the straight line x =2, there are 2 points located on the line x =4,  there are 2 points located on the line x = 6 and the VerticalCoord of these 6 points is always different.
  • With 9 blue points: there are 3 points located on the straight line x =1, there are 3 points located on the line x =2,  there are 3 points located on the line x = 7 and the VerticalCoord of these 9 points is always different.
  • With 6 green points: there are 3 points located on the straight line x =3, there are 3 points located on the line x =5 and the VerticalCoord of these 6 points is always different.
  • With 6 orange points: there are 3 points located on the straight line x =4, there are 3 points located on the line x =6 and the VerticalCoord of these 6 points is always different.

     Help me find the integer coordinates of these 63 points when arranging them on the rectangle with the Maple command.

     Thank you so much for your help!

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