
300 Reputation

11 Badges

12 years, 287 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by toandhsp

Thank you, i repaired, note that d<>0







sol:=solve([A=0,B=0,C=0,v=0,abs(m) = 2*abs(n),a^2+b^2+c^2=1, a>0, d<>0],[a, b, c, d, m, n]):

for i to nops(sol) do subs(sol[i],f(x,y,z)=0) end do;


Put f :=x -> x^2-4*x*m+m+5;

We solve the system

solve([discrim(f(x),x)>0, 2*m<1, f(1)>0, f(-2) <> 0],m);

and get the result {m < -1}.

We can solve

> restart:


solve([discrim(x^2-4*x*m+m+5,x)>0, max(S)<1]);

The given equation equivalent to 

(x + 2)*(x^2-4*x*m+m+5) = 0.

This equation has a solution x = -2 < 1. Therefore, we need the equation x^2-4*x*m+m+5 has two different real solutions are smaller than 1.

Put f :=x -> x^2-4*x*m+m+5;

We solve the system

solve([discrim(f(x),x)>0, 2*m<1, f(1)>0],m);

and get the result {m < -1}.

Find  all the values of parameter m for which the equation

x^3 +2*(1-2*m)*x^2 +(5-7*m)*x + 2*(m+5) = 0 (x is unknown)

has three different solutions x1 < x2 < x3 <1.


Thank you.

If the problem is repaired: Find  all the values of paramater m for which the equation

1/3*x^3-m*x^2- (4*m + 3)*x + 1 = 0 (x is unknown)

has only one real solutions. How to solve?

I saw, we must need  discriminant < 0.

In high school, they don't study discriminant of a third-order polynomial. Therefore i did, for example for the equation x^3 - m*x - m^2 = 0 has three solutions.

restart;f:=x->x^3 - m*x - m^2:






solve([discrim(A,x)>0, B*C<0],m);


If the problem is repaired: Find  all the values of paramater m for which the equation

1/3*x^3-m*x^2- (4*m + 3)*x + 1 = 0 (x is unknown)

has only one real solutions. How to solve?


And this is another problem. 

Problem 3.  Find  all the values of parameter m for which the equation

x^3 -3*m*x^2 +3*(m^2 - 1)*x -m^2 +1 = 0 (x is unknown)

has three different positive solutions. Please help me. Thank you.

Thank you very much.

I suppose b > 0.

Thank you very much. 

But, with the following code, we can not do so.

restart;f:=(x,y,z)->a*x + b*y +c*z + d:
sol:=solve([A = 0, B=0,abs(M) = 2*sqrt(2),a^2 + b^2 + c^2 = 1 ],[a, b, c, d]):
for i to nops(sol) do subs(sol[i],f(x,y,z)=0) end do;

My code must solve a system of equations with six unknowns a, b, c, d, m, n. 

Please help me.

1) We have

s1 := solve(x^2+3*x+2 > 0, {x});
s2 := solve(x^2-9 >= 0, {x});
s3:=`or`(seq(`and`(op(x)),x in [s1]));
s4: `or`(seq(`and`(op(x)),x in [s2]));

How to solve solve(evalb(s3 minus s4));?  

2) Suppose


B:=RealRange(-infinity, 5);

How to find A union B, A intersect B, A minus B?

Thank you.

OK. My opinion as Jarekkk. I wanted a minimum for the given m, m is a parameter. Thus, minimum of the given function will depend on m. 



With m = 1, we have f(x) = 3*x^2+2*x-7.


we get minimum is -2.

Thus, the ansewr -25/8, here m=-infinity..infinity is wrong!

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