
13375 Reputation

20 Badges

9 years, 139 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by vv

remove removes operands (1st level) of an expression.
x has one operand (x itself)
diff(y(x), x) has two operands (y(x) and x)  [so, you can remove only y(x) or x or both].
2*diff(y(x), x) has two operands (2 and diff(y(x), x))

Wind:=proc(L::listlist, P::list, isclosed:=true)
  local p,u,k, x0:=P[1],y0:=P[2];
  if member(P,L) then return undefined fi;
  u:=seq(arctan(p[2]-y0,p[1]-x0),p=L),  `if`(isclosed=true,arctan(L[1][2]-y0,L[1][1]-x0), NULL);
  (u[-1]-u[1])/(2*Pi) + add(piecewise( u[k+1]-u[k]<-Pi,+1, u[k+1]-u[k]>Pi,-1, abs(u[k+1]-u[k])=Pi, undefined, 0), k=1..nops([u])-1)

It returns 0 if the point is outside, and undefined if it is on the boundary.

L:=[[0,0],[200,0],[200,300],[250,400], [500,300],[500,500],[0,500]]:
Wind(L, [300,300]), Wind(L, [100,200]), Wind(L, [0,50]);

                        0, 1, undefined

N depends on the order in which the numbers are eliminated.
The largest value of N is N_max = 2^(n-1) * (3*n - 4) + 2 
(you have n = 2012).
Try your hand for the smallest value!

It's obvious that the smartview option cannot guess all user's intentions.
If you don't know the relevant y-domain (used by view=...) you may try a slope criterion. E.g.

f1:= diff(f, x):
ff:=piecewise(abs(f1) < maxslope, f, undefined):
plot(ff, x=0..2*Pi);

Maple can compute the integral directly as a hypergeom function.
So, this is for didactic purposes only.





J(n)=Int(1/(x^2+1)^n, x):

Parts(%, 1/(x^2+1)^n):

eval(%, x^2=q(x)-1):

simplify(Expand(%)) assuming n::integer:

eval(%, [ Int(q(x)^(-n), x)=J(n), Int(q(x)^(-n-1), x)=J(n+1) ]):

solve(%, J(n+1)): J(n+1) = simplify(eval(%, q(x)=x^2+1)); # the recurrence relation

J(n+1) = (1/2)*(x*(x^2+1)^(-n)+J(n)*(2*n-1))/n


R:=unapply(rsolve({%, J(1)=arctan(x)}, J(n)), n);

proc (n) options operator, arrow; (1/2)*GAMMA(n-1/2)*(Sum(x*Pi^(1/2)*GAMMA(n1+1)/(n1*(x^2+1)^n1*GAMMA(n1+1/2)), n1 = 1 .. n-1)+2*arctan(x))/(Pi^(1/2)*GAMMA(n)) end proc





simplify(diff(%,x)); #check




Digits := 15: 
nu_0 := sqrt(k^2 - k_0^2): nu_m := sqrt(k^2 - k_m^2): 
pref2 := 2*rho_me*exp(-nu_0*(zs + z))*BesselJ(0, k*sqrt((xs - x)^2 + (ys - y)^2))*k/(rho_me*nu_0 + rho_0*nu_m*tanh(nu_m*d)):

f:= (eval(0.5*(((eval(pref2, [z = 0, k_0 = 0.018371886863098, xs = 0, ys = 0, zs = 10, rho_0 = 1.2, d = 0.04, rho_me = 1.528516816439260 - 1235.297048886680*I, k_m = 0.490806242885258 - 0.490314205803914*I])))), [z = 0, k_0 = 0.018371886863098, xs = 0, ys = 0, zs = 10, rho_0 = 1.2, d = 0.04, rho_me = 1.528516816439260 - 1235.297048886680*I, k_m = 0.490806242885258 - 0.490314205803914*I]) ):

dom := [k=0..100, x = -2/2 .. 2/2, y = -3/2 .. 3/2]:  # 100 is enough
evalf(Int(f, dom, digits=10));

                               0.5867621705 - 0.1097638086*I

The answer is correct, a being a name and non-constant.
eval(diff(y(x,t), x$3), x=Pi);  and  eval(diff(y(x,t), x$3), x=a+1);

will look as you expect.

You may declare a as a constant. In this case the result will appear as for Pi:
constants := constants, a;
eval(diff(y(x,t), x$3), x=a)

N:=100:  dx:=evalf(2*Pi/N):
X:=<seq(k*dx, k=-N/2..N/2)>:
Y:= sin~(X):
f:=unapply(CurveFitting:-Spline(X, Y, x, degree=1),x):
Z:= [seq( evalf(Int(f, X[1]..x, epsilon=1e-5)), x=X)]:
plots:-display(plot(X,Y),  plot(X,Z), color=[red,blue]); 

Use the definition:

P := (x-6)^2 + (y+3)^2 = (x+2*y-1)^2 / 5;

with(plots): display(implicitplot([P, x+2*y-1], x=-10..10,y=-10..10), pointplot([6,-3], color=red));

The singularities of F1 are on the Jordan curve

plots:-implicitplot(1/F1, x=0..k - varepsilon,y=0..2*Pi, view=0..6.5, color=red);

Note that the integrand is even in x, so, one may integrate over x = 0 ... 1 - eps.

Unfortunately Maple cannot compute numerically a CPV integral, but it is easy to transform it into a regular one. If the singular point is c, then 

Int(f(x), x =c-r .. c+r, CPV) = Int(f(c+t) + f(c-t), t = 0 .. r)

Strange implementation (bug?) for numboccur.

L:=[1., HFloat(1.), 1., 0., 0.];
#                   L := [1., 1., 1., 0., 0.]

numboccur(L, 1.);
#                               2

numboccur(L, 1.0);
#                               0

numboccur(L, HFloat(1.0));
#                               1

#                              true

select(`=`, L, 1.); select(`=`, L, 1.0);
#                          [1., 1., 1.]

#                          [1., 1., 1.]


#   EXPSEQ(4)
#      FLOAT(3): 1.
#         INTPOS(2): 1
#         INTPOS(2): 0
#      HFLOAT(2): 1.
#      FLOAT(3): 1.
#         INTPOS(2): 1
#         INTPOS(2): 0



arctand ignores the second argument.

arctand(y,x) simplifies to arctand(y)

BTW, for y <> 0,

arctan(y,x) = (Pi/2)*signum(y)-arctan(x/y)

The fact that leadterm is not documented under asympt is probably because asympt(f, x, n) is actually equivalent to series(f, x=infinity, n), and here leadterm appears. By taking n=2, leadterm is not strictly necessary, but it is convenient because O(...) is removed.

There is an old worksheet at the Application Center https://www.maplesoft.com/applications/view.aspx?SID=6322

It is clear enough and includes an animation.

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