
65 Reputation

5 Badges

9 years, 301 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by yegan

How can I plot the volume of revolution of the region between the curves y=ln(x) and y=-ln(x)on the interval [1,e]

around the y-axis.please specify the command. I used the command: VolumeOfRevolution(ln(x),-ln(x), x=1..e, scaling=constrained,axis=vertical,output=plot). But this command only plots the revolution of the curves not the region between them.

Best Regards


   Hi, there

 I work with maple 13 and made a file that its contet is plotting curves and its size is 

151 MB.Now when I want to open it the file cannot be opened completely only about a quarter of its contents rises.


Thanks for your help



  Hi there,

  I want to use maple 13 for calculating mean value theorem for differentiable function  f:=piecewise(-2≤x≤0, -x2 ,0≤x≤2,x2

on the interval [-2,2]. But an error occured, that is,"function must be continuous".Any help will be appreciated.




   Hi, there

Hoe can we plot the floor function by Maple13? I used plot command and implicitplot command. But the output was wrong on integer values.

Thanks for your help



Hi, there

How can we plot implicit polar equations like r^2 =5-4cos(theta) in maple13?



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