As previously announced, Maplesoft will be hosting  the 2014 Maple T.A. User Summit this October 22 – 24 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You might have heard about the launch of Maple T.A. 10. The User Summit in Amsterdam is a perfect opportunity to get to know more, see the new features in action, and meet Maple T.A. users from around the world.

We are happy to announce that the schedule has been finalized! The event will feature keynote and user presentations by prominent educators from around the world, first-hand discussions by Maplesoft representatives, exciting social events, and training sessions.

As you can see, this event has shaped up to be a very exciting summit for Maple T.A. users. After seeing this schedule you may be wondering why you didn’t sign-up – don’t worry, it’s not too late! To register, please visit our website:

I hope to see you there!

Maplesoft Product Manager, Maple T.A.

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