The procedure  NumbersGame  generalizes the well-known 24 game  (implementation in Maple see here), as well as related issues (see here and here).


Required parameters of the procedure:

Result is an integer or a fraction of any sign.

Numbers is a list of positive integers.


Optional parameters:

Operators is a list of permitted arithmetic operations. By default  Operators is  ["+","-","*","/"]

NumbersOrder is a string. It is equal to "strict order" or "arbitrary order" . By default  NumbersOrder is "strict order"

Parentheses is a symbol  no  or  yes . By default  Parentheses is  no 


The procedure puts the signs of operations from the list  Operators  between the numbers from  Numbers  so that the result is equal to Result. The procedure finds all possible solutions. The global  M  saves the list of the all solutions.


Code the procedure:


NumbersGame:=proc(Result::{integer,fraction}, Numbers::list(posint), Operators::list:=["+","-","*","/"], NumbersOrder::string:="strict order", Parentheses::symbol:=no)

local MyHandler, It, K, i, P, S, n, s, L, c;

global M;

uses StringTools, ListTools, combinat; 

 MyHandler := proc(operator,operands,default_value)

      NumericStatus( division_by_zero = false );

      return infinity;

   end proc;


if Parentheses=yes then 


local i, j, L;

for i in L1 do

for j in L2 do

L[i,j]:=seq(Substitute(Substitute(Substitute("( i Op j )","i",convert(i,string)),"j",convert(j,string)),"Op",Operators[k]), k=1..nops(Operators));

od; od;

L:=convert(L, list);

end proc; 


local n, K, i, M1, M2, S;


if n=1 then return L else

for i to n-1 do

M1:=P(L[1..i]); M2:=P(L[i+1..n]);

K[i]:=seq(seq(It(M1[j], M2[k]), k=1..nops(M2)), j=1..nops(M1))

od; fi;


end proc;

if NumbersOrder="arbitrary order" then S:=permute(Numbers); K:=[seq(op(Flatten([op(P(s))])), s=S)] else  K:=[op(Flatten([op(P(Numbers))]))] fi; 


if NumbersOrder="strict order" then


for i in Numbers[2..-1] do

K:=[seq(seq(cat(k, Substitute(Substitute(" j i","j",convert(j,string)),"i",convert(i,string))), k in K), j in Operators)]

od;   else 


for s in S do


for i in s[2..-1] do

L:=[seq(seq(cat(k, Substitute(Substitute(" j i","j",convert(j,string)),"i",convert(i,string))), k in L), j in Operators)]

od; K[s]:=op(L) od; K:=convert(K,list) fi;  


M:='M'; c:=0;

for i in K do

if parse(i)=Result then c:=c+1; if Parentheses=yes then M[i]:= convert(SubString(i,2..length(i)-1),symbol)=convert(Result,symbol) else M[i]:=convert(i,symbol)=convert(Result,symbol) fi; fi;


if c=0 then M:=[]; return `No solutions` else M:=convert(M,list);  op(M) fi; 

end proc:


Examples of use.


Example 1:

NumbersGame(1/20, [$ 1..9]);

     1 * 2 - 3 + 4 / 5 / 6 * 7 / 8 * 9 = 1/20


Example 2. Numbers in the list  Numbers  may be repeated and permitted operations can be reduced:

NumbersGame(15, [3,3,5,5,5], ["+","-"]);

         3 - 3 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 15


Example 3. 

NumbersGame(10, [1,2,3,4,5]);

         1 + 2 + 3 * 4 - 5 = 10

If the order of the number in Numbers is arbitrary, then the number of solutions is greatly increased (10 solutions displayed):

NumbersGame(10, [1,2,3,4,5], "arbitrary order"):


for i to 10 do

M[1+50*(i-1)] od;

If you use the parentheses, the number of solutions will increase significantly more (10 solutions displayed):

NumbersGame(10, [1,2,3,4,5], "arbitrary order", yes):


for i to 10 do

M[1+600*(i-1)] od;





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