One case where an "expansion beyond all orders" may be needed is investigating the asymptotic behavior of the difference of two functions with coinciding dominant series.

We are interested in the asymptotic behavior of F(z) for large positive z:

h1 := proc (z) options operator, arrow; hypergeom([1/2], [5/4, 3/2, 7/4], z) end proc; h2 := proc (z) options operator, arrow; (3/4)*sqrt(2*Pi)*hypergeom([1/4], [3/4, 5/4, 3/2], z)/(GAMMA(3/4)*z^(1/4)) end proc; F := proc (z) options operator, arrow; h1(z)-h2(z)+(3/8)*sqrt(Pi)/sqrt(z) end proc

series does not succeed:

series(F(z), z = infinity, 20)



The reason is that the dominant terms containing the factor exp(3*z^(1/3)) in the two hypergeometric functions cancel exactly, and we have to look for the subdominant terms.

The order of the leading terms can be found from DETools:-formal_sol:

deq1 := FunctionAdvisor(DE, h1(z), f(z))[2, 1]

diff(diff(diff(diff(f(z), z), z), z), z) = -(15/2)*(diff(diff(diff(f(z), z), z), z))/z-(195/16)*(diff(diff(f(z), z), z))/z^2+(1/32)*(32*z-105)*(diff(f(z), z))/z^3+(1/2)*f(z)/z^3


DETools:-formal_sol(deq1, f(z), z = infinity, order = 0)

[(1/z)^(1/2), -exp(-3/(-1/z)^(1/3))/z, -exp(3*(-1)^(1/3)/(-1/z)^(1/3))/z, -exp(-3*(-1)^(2/3)/(-1/z)^(1/3))/z]


As expected, one of the solutions (the third one for positive z) contains the exp(3*z^(1/3)) factor, the leading term being of the order exp(3*z^(1/3))/z.

Another, subdominant, solution is algebraic and, in fact, is a series containing only one term, as 1/z^(1/2) is an exact solution. It will turn out that the algebraic part in F(z) also cancels out.

Thus we have to look for the subsubdominant terms, which contain decaying exponentials. We will accomplish this by applying the steepest descent method to the integral representations of h1(z) and h2(z).

ms := convert([h1(z), h2(z)], MeijerG)

[(3/32)*Pi*2^(1/2)*MeijerG([[1/2], []], [[0], [-1/4, -1/2, -3/4]], -z), (3/32)*2^(1/2)*Pi*MeijerG([[3/4], []], [[0], [1/4, -1/4, -1/2]], -z)/z^(1/4)]


m2g := proc (m, y) local a, b, c, d; a, b := op(op(1, m)); c, d := op(op(2, m)); -((1/2)*I)*mul(`~`[GAMMA](`~`[`-`](1+y, a)))*mul(`~`[GAMMA](`~`[`-`](c, y)))*op(3, m)^y/(Pi*mul(`~`[GAMMA](`~`[`-`](b, y)))*mul(`~`[GAMMA](`~`[`-`](1+y, d)))) end proc

gs := applyrule(conditional(e::anything, _op(0, e) = MeijerG) = 'm2g(e, y)', ms)

[-((3/64)*I)*2^(1/2)*GAMMA(1/2+y)*GAMMA(-y)*(-z)^y/(GAMMA(5/4+y)*GAMMA(3/2+y)*GAMMA(7/4+y)), -((3/64)*I)*2^(1/2)*GAMMA(1/4+y)*GAMMA(-y)*(-z)^y/(z^(1/4)*GAMMA(3/4+y)*GAMMA(5/4+y)*GAMMA(3/2+y))]


gs[2] := combine(eval(gs[2], [1/z^(1/4) = exp(I*Pi*(1/4))/(-z)^(1/4), y = y+1/4]), power)



h1(z) and h2(z)are the integrals of gs[1] and of gs[2] over the same path, which is a loop encircling the poles ofGAMMA(-y) and of GAMMA(-1/4-y). Now a standard technique is to extend the integration contour far to the left, while still keeping both endpoints at "+infinity". Then the arguments of the gamma functions can be made large everywhere on the integration path, and the gamma functions can be replaced by their asymptotic approximations.

When moving the contour, we have to take into account the pole of the integrand at y = -1/2. The other poles of GAMMA(1/2+y) will be cancelled by the zeros of 1/GAMMA(3/2+y), which is why the algebraic part of the expansion will contain the single term of the order 1/z^(1/2).

This is the negative of the third term in F(z):

`assuming`([simplify((2*Pi*I)*residue(gs[1]-gs[2], y = -1/2))], [z > 0])



Expanding the gamma functions produces terms containing exp(-I*Pi*y) and exp(I*Pi*y)

`assuming`([simplify(convert(MultiSeries:-series((gs[1]-gs[2])/z^y, y = -infinity, 1), polynom))], [z > 0]); collect(convert(%, exp), exp)



As we shall see, those terms have saddle points y0(z) = exp(`&+-`((1/3)*(2*Pi*I)))*z^(1/3) located in the left half-plane and contribute exponentially small factors exp(3*y0(z)). The terms for which the saddle point would be located at y = z^(1/3) have cancelled out, thus cancelling the exponentially large contributions. Another possible way to achieve the same result was to write h1(z)-h2(z) as a single Meijer G-function -(3/32)*MeijerG([[1/2], []], [[-1/4, 0], [-3/4, -1/2]], z).

We write the first term above in the form g(y)*exp(f(y)):

f := proc (z, y) options operator, arrow; -3*y*(ln(-y)-1)-I*Pi*y+y*ln(z) end proc

g := proc (y) options operator, arrow; (-3/64-(3/64)*I)*sqrt(-1/y)/(sqrt(Pi)*y^3) end proc

diff(f(z, y), y)



For this to become zero, we need argument(-y) = -(1/3)*Pi, and thus y = exp((1/3)*(2*I)*Pi)*z^(1/3). We can visualize the paths where the imaginary part of f(z, y) stays constant. The path of the steepest descent is the one that goes through the saddle point in the direction exp(I*Pi*(1/3)); the blue color indicates smaller values of the real part of f(z, y):

y0 := proc (z) options operator, arrow; exp(((2/3)*I)*Pi)*z^(1/3) end proc

(proc () local z; z := 2; plots:-display(plots:-contourplot(Re(f(z, u+I*v)), u = -5 .. 5, v = -5 .. 5, contours = ([seq])(Re(f(z, y0(z)))+i, i = -30 .. 6, 6), filledregions, coloring = [blue, red], grid = [100, 100]), plots:-implicitplot(Im(f(z, u+I*v)-f(z, y0(z))), u = -5 .. 5, v = -5 .. 5, gridrefine = 5, color = green), plot([cos((1/3)*Pi)*xi+Re(y0(z)), sin((1/3)*Pi)*xi+Im(y0(z)), xi = -3 .. 3], linestyle = dot, color = white), axes = boxed) end proc)()


The real part of f(z, y) has a maximum along this path at y0(z).

`assuming`([(`@`(`@`(simplify, evalc), series))(f(z, y0(z)+exp(I*Pi*(1/3))*xi), xi = 0, 3)], [z > 0]); quad := convert(%, polynom)



Now we can compute the lead asymptotic term contributed by the saddle point y0(z):

lt1 := `assuming`([(`@`(simplify, evalc))(g(y0(z))*exp(I*Pi*(1/3))*(int(exp(quad), xi = -infinity .. infinity)))], [z > 0])



We repeat the same procedure for the second term of the integrand.

f := proc (z, y) options operator, arrow; -3*y*(ln(-y)-1)+I*Pi*y+y*ln(z) end proc

g := proc (y) options operator, arrow; (3/64-(3/64)*I)*sqrt(-1/y)/(sqrt(Pi)*y^3) end proc

diff(f(z, y), y)



y0 := proc (z) options operator, arrow; exp(-((2/3)*I)*Pi)*z^(1/3) end proc

The direction should be chosen as exp((1/3)*(2*I)*Pi) to be consistent with the direction of the integration contour, which goes from the lower to the upper half-plane.

lterm := proc (gy, fy, eq, dir) options operator, arrow; (eval(gy*exp(fy), eq))*dir*sqrt(-2*Pi/((eval(diff(fy, `$`(y, 2)), eq))*dir^2)) end proc

lt2 := `assuming`([(`@`(simplify, evalc))(lterm(g(y), f(z, y), y = y0(z), exp((1/3)*(2*I)*Pi)))], [z > 0])



Combining the two results yields the leading term of F(z). The next terms can be obtained by expanding gs[1] and gs[2] to higher orders.

Fasympt := unapply(simplify(lt1+lt2), z)

proc (z) options operator, arrow; (1/32)*exp(-(3/2)*z^(1/3))*3^(1/2)*2^(1/2)*(cos((3/2)*z^(1/3)*3^(1/2))+sin((3/2)*z^(1/3)*3^(1/2)))/z end proc


(proc () Digits := 50; plot(`~`[`*`](exp((3/2)*z^(1/3)), [F(z), Fasympt(z)]), z = 1000 .. 10000, linestyle = [solid, dot], thickness = [1, 5], axes = frame) end proc)()



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