In the two examples below (in the second example, the range for the roots is simply expanded), we see bugs in both examples (Maple 2018.2). I wonder if these errors are fixed in Maple 2020?


solve({log[1/3](2*sin(x)^2-3*cos(2*x)+6)=-2,x>=-7*Pi/2,x<=-2*Pi}, explicit, allsolutions); # Example 1 - strange error message
solve({log[1/3](2*sin(x)^2-3*cos(2*x)+6)=-2,x>=-4*Pi,x<=-2*Pi}, explicit, allsolutions);  # Example 2 - two roots missing

Error, (in assume) contradictory assumptions


{x = -(11/3)*Pi}, {x = -(10/3)*Pi}


plot(log[1/3](2*sin(x)^2-3*cos(2*x)+6)+2, x=-7*Pi/2..-2*Pi);
plot(log[1/3](2*sin(x)^2-3*cos(2*x)+6)+2, x=-4*Pi..-2*Pi);



Student:-Calculus1:-Roots(log[1/3](2*sin(x)^2-3*cos(2*x)+6)=-2, x=-7*Pi/2..-2*Pi);  # OK
Student:-Calculus1:-Roots(log[1/3](2*sin(x)^2-3*cos(2*x)+6)=-2, x=-4*Pi..-2*Pi);  # OK

[-(10/3)*Pi, -(8/3)*Pi, -(7/3)*Pi]


[-(11/3)*Pi, -(10/3)*Pi, -(8/3)*Pi, -(7/3)*Pi]



I am glad that  Student:-Calculus1:-Roots  command successfully handles both examples.



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